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  B-24D-65-CO "Fyrtle Myrtle" Serial Number 42-40485  
5th AF
380th BG
531st BS

Forer Assignments
530th BS

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380th BG 1943
Pilot  Captain John A. Farrington, O-663881 (MIA / KIA) Buena Vista, CO
Co-Pilot  2nd Lt. Tracy N. DuMont, O-795577 (POW, survived) NY
Bombardier  1st Lt. John L. Perry, O-732967 (MIA / KIA) MI
Navigator  1st Lt. William Mc Ferren, Jr., O-736015 (POW, survived)
Engineer  TSgt John D. Lardin, 13039837 (POW, survived) PA
Top Turret  SSgt Louis J. Glaven, 35306016 (POW, survived)
Radio  TSgt Howard G. Sleighter, 11065590 (POW, survived) CT
Asst Radio  SSgt Daniel R. Glendon, 11086889 (MIA / KIA) MA
Photographer  Pvt Adelbert F. Holman, 11020096 (POW, survived)
Tail Gunner  SSgt Jack W. Lovett, 20367118 (POW, survived) FL
Crashed  October 26, 1943
MACR  1317

Aircraft History
Built at Consolidated at San Diego between February 25, 1943 to March 9, 1943. On March 12, 1943 first test flight. On March 13, 1943 delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as B-24D-65-CO Liberator serial number 42-40485. On March 21, 1943 modified at Tucson, AZ. On April 6, 1943 modified at Topeka, Kansas. On April 26, 1943 ferried overseas departing from Hamilton Field on flight via Hickam Field then across the Pacific. On May 13, 1943 arrived at Amberley Field near Brisbane. In Australia, this B-24 was further modified by the 4th Air Depot at Garbutt Field at Townsville with the installation of a nose turret.

Wartime History
Assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 380th Bombardment Group (380th BG) "The Flying Circus", 530th Bombardment Squadron (530th BS). Nicknamed "Fyrtle Myrtle" in a cursive font inside double quotation marks. On the left side of the nose was a scoreboard with bomb markings indiciating bombing missions flown. Assigned to pilot Captain John A. Farrington with crew chief MSgt Homer O. Brintzenhofer. Later, assigned to 531st Bombardment Squadron (531st BS). Based at Manbulloo Airfield On July 18, 1943 first bombing mission against against Makassar in the Celebes (Sulawesi). In total, this bomber flew 17 combat mission.

Mission History
On October 26, 1943 took off from Manbulloo Airfield piloted by Captain John A. Farrington on a bombing mission against Pomelaa on the southern tip of the Celebes. Intercepted head-on by enemy fighters with tracers observed impacting the bomber. Other bombers in the formation observed this B-24 turning to the left and eight parachutes were observed. The bomber continued to fly until the wings collapsed upward and it exploded and crashed into the sea.

Fates of the Crew
Seven of the crew were taken prisoner near Kabena Island. All were liberated at the end of the war and returned to the United States. Lovett and Mc Ferren were liberated from the Tokyo POW Camp (Shinjuku) at the end of the war. Holman was liberated from Tokyo POW Camp Branch #2 (Kawasaki).

The three missing crew members: Farrington, Perry and Glendon were officially declared dead the day of the mission. All three are memorialized on the tablets of the missing at Manila American Cemetery.

Farrington also has a memorial marker at Fort Logan National Cemetery at section MA, site 41.

Glendon also has a memorial marker at Oak Grove Cemetery  in Medford, MA at WWII section, front of row A, 06.

Lardin passed away on March 14, 2002 he is buried at Mount Airy Cemetery in Natrona Heights, PA in section O.

USAF Serial Number Search Results - B-24D-65-CO Liberator 42-40485
Missing Air Crew Report 1317 (MACR 1317)
380th Bomb Group Association - 42-40485
380th Bomb Group Prisoners of War
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - Tracy N. Du Mont
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - William Mc Ferren
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - John D. Lardin
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - Howard G. Sleighter
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - Adelbert F. Holman
NARA World War II Prisoners of War Data File - Jack W. Lovett
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - John A. Farrington

American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - John L. Perry
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Daniel R. Glendon
FindAGrave - Capt John A Farrington (tablets of the missing)
FindAGrave - John Alton Farrington (photo, memorial marker photo)
FindAGrave - 1Lt John L Perry (photo, tablets of the missing)
FindAGrave - John D. Lardin (grave photo)
FindAGrave - SSgt Daniel R Glendon (tablets of the missing
FindAGrave - S Sgt Daniel R Glendon (memorial marker photo)

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Last Updated
December 20, 2024


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3 Missing
7 Prisoners
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