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June 3, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology

ALASKA (11th Air Force): In an attempt to divert forces from the Midway area, a Japanese carrier-based bombers and fighters bomb and strafe Fort Mears and Dutch Harbor in several waves inflicting little damage but killing fifty-two US personnel. P-40s from Cold Bay trying to intercept them arrive ten minutes after the last attack wave departs. Other P-40s from Umnak are notified too late due to communication failure. Nine P-40s and six B-26s fly a patrol but cannot find the fleet 180 miles south of Dutch Harbor but two of the P-40s engage four carrier-based aircraft, shoot down one and damage another.

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA (CBI) THEATER OF OPERATIONS (10th Air Force): A flight of B-25s of the 11th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 7th Bombardment Group (Heavy), earmarked for China, take off from Dinjan enroute bombing Lashio then onto Kunming, nine crash into an overcast-hidden mountain at 10,000' and another is abandoned when it runs out of fuel near Chan-i, China. Only two B-25's reach Kunming, one with the radio operator killed by a fighter.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, 7th Air Force): Preliminary action begin for the Battle of Midway. 9 B-17s, flying out of Midway , attack 5 large warships 570 miles (912 km) off Midway, claiming 5 hits and several near misses. 7 other B-17s leave Oahu, Territory of Hawaii and fly to Midway.

IJN: The Battle of Midway begins with a strong Japanese in the Central Pacific sent to strike then occupy Midway, led by a four aircraft carriers from the Mobile Force, supported by heavy units of the Main Body (First Fleet) and covered by a diversionary carrier raid on Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians. During the battle, Hiryu is heavily damaged.

USN: Lost is PBY Catalina (KIA, POW).

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (5th Air Force): B-17s hit the wharf, warehouse area, and military camp at Rabaul.

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