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June 2, 1944
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): Two B-24s, finding Shimushiru overcast, bomb and photograph Matsuwa, the secondary target at dawn.

BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): B-25s continue to fly ammunition into the Imphal, India area. 12 B-24s airborne against Yenangyaung, Burma fail to hit the primary but unload against alternates in the area.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 80+ P-40s and P-51s pound troopsand vehicles at Tungcheng and Chungyang and strafe a concentration of about 75 sampans on Tungting Lake.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): B-25s based on Makin strike Nauru.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): 24 B-24s pound the Nordup area and 48 P-38s, P-39s, and P-40s attack the Vunakanau area. 30+ P-39s attack Buka Airfeild and hit supplies in the Kara-Kahili area.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): B-25s bomb the Kaukenau-Timoeka area while B-24s bomb positions north of Mokmer Airfield; B-24s and B-25s hit bivouacs NE of Sawar Airfield and near the Wiske River and bomb roads along W bank of the Orai River; B-24s, P-39s, and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) airplanes hit the Wewak area; C-47s of the 65th and 66th Troop Carrier Squadrons, 433d Troop Carrier Group cease operating from Tsili Tsili and returns to Nadzab. Thirteenth Air Task Force B-24s bomb Dublon.

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