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June 4, 1944
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): Two B-24s fly an uneventful reconnaissance over Shimushiru; fuel shortage and equipment failure prevent flying to the secondary Matsuwa. Later, a B-25 and 2 P-38s fly a guardship cover mission.

BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 20+ P-40s hit the Myitkyina area while 19 others hit various points in N Burma, including Haka, Kamaing, Kamasaing, Tagwin, and Bilumyo. B-25s continue the ammunition lift to Imphal.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, P-40s bomb artillery positions and targets of opportunity in the Watien area of the Salween battle front. Others bomb railroad targets of opportunity in NE French Indochina.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): During the night, B-24s staging through Eniwetok hit Truk; B-25s from Engebi follow with a daylight raid on Ponape.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): Bad weather again prevents strikes against the Rabaul area of New Britain Island. On Bougainville Island, P-39s flying a total of 55 sorties, blast a truck park near Komai, strafe huts at Doure, and attack a pier at Tunuru; 9 P-38s weathered out of the Rabaul strike the Tonolai supply area; and a lone B-25 bombs Kahili.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): A-20s bomb the town and harbor at Manokwari and shipping to the east of Geelvink Bay; B-24s bomb Namber Airfield and Borokoe Airfield while fighters battle enemy airplanes in the general area; B-24s bomb the area near the Orai River mouth while A-20s hit Wewak and fighter-bombers pound the Hansa Bay coast; a detachment of the 68th Troop Carrier Squadron, 433d Troop Carrier Group ceases operating from Tadji with C-47s and returns to Nadzab.

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