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June 9, 1944
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 5 B-25s carry out a strike on the Imphal-Tiddim road while 20+ others continue to supply ammunition to the Imphal area; 40+ A-36s, P-51s, and P-40s hit Myitkyina, Mogaung and Kadu.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, P-40s, P-51s and B-25s fly 200+ sorties against numerous targets throughout the Tungting Lake area; river shipping of all description is pounded, several troop concentrations are attacked, Hankow Airfield and Wuchang Airfield are bombed, and the towns of Ichang, Siangyin, Yuankiang and Kiaotow are hit; and 4 B-24 and fighter- bomber sorties over the S China Sea result in claims of 3 sea going vessels, a tug and a barge sunk.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): During the night of 8/9 Jun B-24s from Eniwetok bomb Truk.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Thirteenth Air Force): 32 B-25s, 20 P-39s and 5 P-38s pound supplies and gun positions in the Rataaul-Talili Bay area; 5 other B-25s attack a pier at New Massava Plantation and railroad to Mandres Saw Mill. P-39s hit the town of Buka, a supply area to the north of Buka Airfield, and Arigua Plantation.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, Fifth Air Force): B-24s bomb Peleliu Airfield, lost is B-24J 42-100180 (rescued, 5 MIA). A-20s bomb shipping in Manokwari harbor; B-24s, A-20s, B-25s and P-39s, along with RAAF planes, drop about 140 tons of bombs on various targets in the Wewak area; and 39th Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Group, moves from Gusap to Nadzab with P-47s. B-24s of Thirteenth Air Task Force bomb Alet Airfield and targets of opportunity at Truk.

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