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June 21, 1944
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


BURMA-INDIA (Tenth Air Force): 34 B-25s maintain an ammunition run to Imphal. In Burma, 61 A-36s, P-51s, and P-40s pound Myitkyina and Mogaung; 20th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 8th Photographic Reconnaissance Group, based at Kisselbari begins operating from Tingkawk Sakan with P-40s.

CHINA (Fourteenth Air Force): 11 fighter-bombers hit river shipping, barracks, and cavalry forces at Siangtan and Hengshan, China.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, Seventh Air Force): B-24s from Kwajalein bomb Truk. 6th Night Fighter Squadron, VII Fighter Command, based at John Rodgers Airport sends a detachment with P-61s to Saipan. Lost on a training mission is P-47D 43-25601 (survived).

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA [SWPA, Far East Air Force (FEAF)]: P-39s and RAAF aircraft hit dumps and bivouacs at Suain and attack other targets in the Wewak area; A-20s attack various targets of opportunity in the Paniai Lakes area while B-25s hit villages on the coast of Netherlands New Guinea east of Maffin Bay; B-24s bomb Kamiri Airfield and other targets on Noemfoor and attack shipping in Palau and off Dublon.

USN: Shot down by USN vessels accidentally is PBM Mariner 45216 (MIA).

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