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New Member - THC

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:10 am
by thehappychappy
Afternoon (14:06 here in the UK) I'm a Scuba diver heading to Truk for my first ever visit this weekend.

Diving from Odyssey from the 4th september for a week then based at Blue Lagoon for another week. (am going on this trip myself, so if anybody else is around, let me know!)

An epic journey involving flights from Glasgow-London-Japan-Guam-Chuuk.
Really looking forward to diving and exploring the wrecks and wandering/exploring the Islands.

Hints and tips for a first timer most welcome.

I love WW2 warbirds so looking forward to diving my first aircraft wrecks.


Re: New Member - THC

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:27 pm
by PhotoDesigner
Greetings THC,

You'll enjoy Truk Lagoon ALOT.
I have dived with the folks at the Blue Lagoon Resort. They are quite good.
You'll also enjoy the resort property - lots of history there including pillboxes, air raid shelters, and many other wartime relics.
We designed their brochure, and very soon their new website.
For More Truk Lagoon Photo Design Samples Visit

Take note, and I only state this because there was a (live aboard) diver attempting to squeeze into the cockpit of a Zero just for a photo (with scuba tank),
and another (live aboard diver) that was caught attempting to pilfer collectables .... NOT A GOOD IDEA.

It's an underwater museum. Frail with 67 year old aircraft metal and other forms of delicate metal, (... and things that go BOOM).

It is a wonderful example of how nature repairs itself.
An ecological disaster in 1944, and today, a beautifully coral encrusted underwater museum.

Be sure to do some natural reef diving, and take a land tour to see the big guns.

Enjoy your trip.