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2/Lt John H Carroll, Jr (42nd BG)

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:01 pm
by Daniel Leahy
Hi All,

I am currently searching for details regarding the loss of 2/Lt John H Carroll, Jr, O-765225 of the 390th BS, 42nd BG.

According to the ABMC website his date of death is November 12, 1944. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a 42nd BG aircraft lost on this date.

At times the ABMC website lists the date the person was declared dead rather than the date they went missing - this is often 12-13 months after they went missing.

I know it's a long shot, but with this in mind, B-25C 42-64571 of the 42nd BG went missing on October 12, 1943 (MACR 1222). Unfortunately I do not have the MACR nor a complete crew list for this aircraft to confirm.

Is anybody able to assist with this query?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:03 pm
by Daniel Leahy
Have received confirmation from Mike Stowe ( with the following information:

DATE : November 12, 1944
SERIAL NUMBER : 42-65142
PILOT : John H Carroll
LOCATION : Pegun Island
REMARKS : Shot Down

According to Joe Baugher's website this aircraft was a B-25G-10 "lost to AAA Nov 19, 1944".

Does anyone have a complete crew list available?

Crew list?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:50 pm
by PF
The ABMC lists the following members of the 390th BS lost 12 Nov 1944
Gill, Wiliam H. 2Lt WI # 0-759587
Gerstanzang, Edward S. S/SGT NY # 12082898
Gunlaw, Alva F Sgt NY # 3237333
All names on Memorial to the missing/Manila Cemetery

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:56 pm
by Daniel Leahy
Sorry, I should have listed the crew members before, but yes, they have been confirmed as PF had listed:

2/Lt John H, Jr Carroll, O-765225
2/Lt William H Gill, O-759587
S/Sgt Edward S Gerstenzang, USAAF 12082898
S/Sgt Alva F Gumlaw, USAAF 32373733

I've set up a page on the Project PRIAM database for this aircraft at the following URL: ... d=42-65142

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:45 pm
by Leondus
too bad your in Oz or I would mail you a copy of the MARC for free.

Re: 2/Lt John H Carroll, Jr (42nd BG)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:54 pm
by austin
Not sure if I can be any help, but 2nd Lt. William Gill is my great uncle. I've been looking for information about this crash myself. Good luck in your search. Please keep us updated!
