Pacific Wrecks

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"The Pacific" Miniseries Continues

The Pacific Historical Commentary
Continuing coverage for the new episodes, including Peleliu and Iwo Jima. For those in United States, R. V. Burgin and Sid Phillips will be among the veteran guests at the Mid-Atlantic Air Musuem (MAAM) air show on June 4-6 in Reading, PA.

Drawing for signed copies of "Islands of the Damned"

As a special fundraiser, signed copies of Island of the Damned by R. V. Burgin will be given to donors during May. Each book is valued at $45 and comes with a certificate of authenticity. Burgin is one of the Marines depicted in "The Pacific".

Make a tax deductible donation to be entered to win!
Congratulations to last month's winners for signed copies of You'll Be Sor-ree: D. Henry, L. Wenburg and C. Lachman.

Location Focus

Pacific Wrecks locations details battlefields, airfields and wrecks in over forty nations. As a special feature, we will highlight some of these nations, and how the Pacific War impacts each, and what remains there now.

Territory of Wallis and Futuna
French possession in the South Pacific. Occupied by USMC and US Navy Seabees in March 1942. The Seabee's first major construction work in the Pacific was on Wallis. Today, wartime roads and airfields are still in use.

Diego Garcia
British possession in the Indian Ocean. A 5" naval gun and a RAF Catalina that grounded in 1944 remain on the island today.

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Pacific Wrecks Incorporated is a non-profit charity 501(c)(3)
Donations, Submissions and New Information help the site to grow
Pacific Wrecks Incorporated, P.O. Box 859, Hyde Park, NY 12538 USA



Click For EnlargementBasilone's grave
on Iwo Jima

Island of the Damned
by R. V. Burgin

Donate Now
plus be entered to win
a signed book

Click For Enlargement
Wallis Island (Uvea)
Diego Garcia