Jack Heyn  Photographic Equipment & Darkroom

The C-3 (Speed Graphic) was pretty standard equipment and the one I used the most. The movie camera we didn't use, although cinematographers from 5th Bomber Command flew with us frequently and shot 16mm film.

We used aerial cameras. The K-17 used a 150 ft. roll of 9 inch film and gave a 9"x9" negative. the K-18 used the same film but gave a negative 9"x18". The K-21 used a 50 ft. roll of 5 inch film and gave a negative 5"x7". These all had electric motors and were mounted in the tail of the plane. When we started a bomb run the gunner would hit the switch and they would take an exposure about every 2 - 3 seconds. We also had a K-20 which used the 5 inch film, gave a 4"x5" negative and was hand held, usually by the gunner.

The darkroom facilities are completely foreign to me. Ours was a different situation as we were primarily in the business of processing bombing mission film. We had two mobile trailers for labs. One side was equipped for film developing and the other side for printing.

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The K-17 heading out for a mission.

The beach when we landed at Hollandia. In the lower right hand corner you will see our two trailer labs.

Jack Heyn and his llab crew, printing mission film.


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