Alfred Weinzierl   Japanese Researcher

Alfred Weinziel is a Japanese researcher.  He has translated and contributed to numberous books and articles related to WWII Pacific. Read Alfred Weinzierl's Profile on Pacific Ghosts.

What are your areas of expertise and interests
Everything Japanese related to WWII. Especially in the Pacific. I have been working on a Japanese Translation and Research Project for Pacific Wreck Database. [ List of Alfred Weinzierl's Books, Articles and Translation Credits.

Tell about yourself and your interest in WWII
I got interested at age 6 after watching the movie "Heaven Knows Mr. Alison" in Germany one winter. I thought that it must be nice and warm there. Also, my granduncle went to Japan in WWII on a German submarine. All I know is that he was in Japan. He always showed me one photo where he is standing on the steps of a hotel in Kobe with a few Japanese Navy Officers. I have to check if my relatives still have his stuff. Today, I live in Osaka, Japan.

Harumi and Alfred Weinzierl

Heaven Knows Mr. Alison

Are you willing to acept inquerries / translations from PWD visitors?
I am always ready to help with translations and research. If it is a lot of work that also involves travelling or if it's more than a few pages I will charge a few Yen. Also, I am working on a Japanese Research Project for Pacific Wreck Database, to present new material to english speaking audiences.

Now that its the 60th anniversary of WWII, what Japanese sentiments?
What war? Many young Japanese are so under-educated that some of them think japan and the US were Allies that fought Germany and Russia. There is a lot of a victim's attitiude because of the atom bombs.

What is your opinion of the new upcoming movie about Pearl Harbor?
Great. The more movies on the Pacific War the better. I hope they make more, but they should be historically accurate.

What about Japanese Veterans Organizations?
There are tons of veteran's associations. They do not have websites and are not very well known. You have to be introduced but once you're in you're accepted and as a german I am quite popular. I have taken a few Americans and Brits along to reunions and everything was great. Nobody in Japan seems to be interested in these old guys so they're happy to share a few drinks with us.



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