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American missions against Canton (Kwangchow, Guangzhou)
July 6, 1942–August 1, 1945
July 6, 1942
(10th AF) B-25s bomb the waterfront at Canton marking their initial action against coastal facilities of Japanese-held Chinese ports.

August 8, 1942
(10th A F) B-25s hit the Canton area.

October 25, 1942
(10th AF) Three other B-25s bomb the secondary target, the Canton warehousearea, causing several large explosions and fires.

October 26, 1942
(10th AF) P-40's continue to hit the Hong Kong and Canton area, using dive-bombing tactics for first time in the area.

November 25, 1942
(10th AF) B-25s and P-40s cripple three freighters on Pearl River near Canton.

July 7, 1943
(14th AF) Seven B-25's and twenty-two P-40's attack shipping at Canton. At least two interceptors are claimed shot down.

October 1, 1943
(14th AF) B-25s hit targets of opportunity in the Canton area.

October 3, 1943
(14th AF) B-25s attack Canton.

April 6, 1944
(14th AF) a B-25 strike during the night of 6/7 Apr on airfields near Canton is curtailed by bad weather; only one B-25 reaches the target, dropping fragmentation bombs on revetments.

October 5, 1944
(14th AF) Eight aircraft hit targets of opportunity in the Canton-Wuchou area.

October 6, 1944
(14th AF) B-25s hit targets of opportunity in the Canton area.

December 22, 1944
(14th AF) Several aircraft are claimed as destroyed in battles over Canton.

March 28, 1945
(14th AF) fighter-bombers hit targets around Canton.

April 9, 1945
(14th AF) B-24s bomb the docks at Canton.

April 13, 1945
(14th AF) B-24s hit storage areas in Canton.

April 14, 1945
(14th AF) B-25s sweep the Canton-Hong Kong, China waterways, hitting shipping and other targets.

April 15, 1945
(14th AF) One B-24 bombs the Canton docks.

April 16, 1945
(14th AF) Three B24s bomb targets of opportunity in the Bakli Bay and Canton areas.

April 22, 1945
(14th AF) Two B-24s bomb targets of opportunity at Canton.

May 9, 1945
(FEAF) B-24s bomb two airfields on Canton.

May 10, 1945
(FEAF) B-24s bomb an airfield on Canton.

June 23, 1945
(14th) Twelve P-51s strafe airfields in the Canton area.

July 12, 1945
(FEAF) B-24s bomb Canton.

July 13, 1945
(FEAF) B-24s bomb storage areas at Canton

July 15, 1945
(FEAF) B-24s bomb an arms plant at Canton.

August 1, 1945
(14th AF) P-61s effectively sweep rivers in the Canton area.

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