North American B-25 Mitchell Technical Information
Built by North American Aviation (NAA). The B-25 Mitchell was a versatile medium bomber. During the Pacific War, C Model to J Models saw combat service.
Made famous by their used on the April 18, 1942 "Doolittle Raid" over Japan.
B-25C Mitchell
The B-25C model was built at North American Aviation (NAA) in Inglewood.
B-25D Mitchell
The D model was built in North American in Kansas City, Kansas.
B-25D-1 Strafer Variant
In the middle of 1942 in Australia, "Pappy" Gunn pioneered the modification of the nose section of B-25C Mitchels land B-25D Mitchells into a strafer variant adding more forward firing machine guns. Initially, 3rd Bombardment Group (3rd BG) B-25s were field modified removing the crew positions in the nose then installing up to eight fixed .50 caliber
machine guns. Later variants had gun packs with four
additional .50 caliber machine guns (two on each side) added to each side of the nose. Later, these modifications were performed by the 4th Air Depot at Garbutt Field in Townsville. Afterwards, the strafer modifications where installed at the factory.
B-25G Mitchell
First model with a nose mounted 75mm cannon.
B-25H Mitchell
The B-25H had a nose mounted 75mm cannon in the nose that was manually loaded. A total of 1,000 were built.
PBJ Mitchell
The B-PBJ Mitchell was the U.S. Navy (USN) or U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) were
designated for the B-25 Mitchell. Over 700 Mitchells were delivered to the Navy and Marines, including
in the
These were C, D, G, H and J model Mitchells. These USMC groups
were trained to drop torpedoes, which required flying with the
bomb bays open, although they never used this tactic in combat.
They also trained with “Tiny Tim” rockets, and H
models with 75mm nose cannons. Some were equipped with radar
Allied Service
Many Allied nations also used the B-25, in the Pacific,
the NEIAF. Some countries continuing to operate the
B-25 into the 1960s.
Technical Details
Crew Four to seven, depending on mission and configuration (pilot, co-pilot, engineer, bombardier, radio-gunner, gunner)
Engine 2 x Wright R-2600 radial engines driving a three bladed propeller
Span 67' 7"
Length 52' 11"
Height 15' 9"
Maximum Speed 275 mph
Range 805 km
Armament 12 x 50 caliber machine guns in turrets, flexible mounts or fixed positions.
Bomb load (normal) 3,000 pounds in an internal bomb bay