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December 14, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology

SOUTH PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Army Forces in South Pacific Area) B-17s attack Buin with no losses. Lost is P-39 pilot Glazier (MIA). The 13th Air Force (13th AF) is established but will not be activated until January 13, 1943.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATIONS (Fifth Air Force) Five Japanese troop-carrying destroyers attack by Fifth Air Force aircraft yesterday, reach the mouth of the Mambare River and unload without being detected. However, medium and light bombers and fighters, along with Royal Australian Air Force aircraft, subsequently deliver damaging blows against these troops and their supplies and also hit forces along the Mambare River also the Kumusi River in the Cape Endaiadere. The five destroyers are attacked off Cape Ward Hunt by medium and heavy bombers. Attacks are also carried out against the Lae Airfield and Gasmata Airfield. On the ground, American troops capture Buna. Lost in a ferry flight is B-17F "The Stingaree No. 2" 41-24550 pilot 1st Lt. Ealon S. Hocutt (rescued).

USMC: Lost is SBD Dauntless 4592 (rescued).

U.S. Army: Additional elements of Americal Divison arrive on Guadalcanal.

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