Justin Taylan
Founder of Pacific Wrecks
Pacific Wrecks is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) public charity. Financial donations are 100% tax deductible. Since 1995, our mission is to document World War II Pacific history, advocate for those still MIA (Missing In Action) and ensuring that wrecks are protected or preserved for future generations.
People from all over the world have contributed to this website, including veterans, relatives, historians, travelers, authors. If you have information or photographs related to this topic, Learn about how you can
help this project.
My interest began with my
grandfather, Carl R. Thien who
was a U.S. Army combat photographer in the Pacific. In
1993, I traveled with him to the places
he served and was amazed to see
war relics in situ across the Pacific.
Over the years, this website has been responsible for new wreck discoveries, solving historical mysteries and connecting people.
Pacific Wrecks has also been featured in several news articles and documentaries, including:
AP "Finding history: Web, vets help unearth war wrecks" October 2, 2010
Smithsonian Magazine "Swamp Ghosts" October 2007
PBS / NOVA Secrets of the Dead "Dogfight Over Guadalcanal" August 2006
Yours in history,
Justin Taylan |

Founder of Pacific Wrecks

Carl R. Thien was a U.S. Army combat photographer that
served in Australia, New Guinea and
Philippines |