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Order Book
by Akira Tokuno
Kon nichino wadai sha  1970

Index, photos

Language: Japanese

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Papua Jin Mandol
Crocodile Corps and Papuan Mandol
A record of the humanity, adventure, and fight

This is the story of Akira Tokuno from December 1943 to June 1946. He was assigned to western New Guinea, as a trained Ranger.

It was his duty to make a friendly relationship with New Guinea natives, exchanging trade goods with them. He made a friendly relations with native people, and gain cooperation from a powerful chief, Mandol.

During their explorations, they also used local canoes and rafts, suffering losses in their explorations, including some of the detachment perishing at a large waterfall. They explore an area without maps and meet various natives.

They take an order and attack an outpost of the Allied forces at Lake Rombebai on July 31, 1944. The attack was at close quarters including the Japanese using sabers, knives, and bayonets. A senior officer whom Tokuno respected was killed in this action.

After the war, Tokuno served as an MP of the Allied Forces on Taiwan.

Review by Yoji Sakaida  

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Last Updated
September 21, 2023

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