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Pacific World War II Book Review  
Order Book
by Koujirou Matsumura
Kyougaku-sya  1942
397 pages
Photos, Artwork

Cover Price: Y1.80
Language: Japanese

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(Shooting Down / Aerial Victory)

Author Lt. Col Koujirou Matsumura was a Ki-27 fighter pilot and commander of the 24th Sentai. Artist Fukazawa Kiyoshi paints the cover artwork depicting Ki-27 dogfighting with a I-16. The inside cover artwork depicts Master Sergeant Nishihara rescuing wounded Lt. Col Matsumura from the wreckage of his buring Ki-27 on August 4, 1939 and flying back to base at only 75m altitude.

1) The great feat of the first campaign
It isn't invaded without invading
The warrior's destiny opens

2) The surprise attack of an airplane
Wind and cloud is sudden
Sky surprise attack
Unexpected military gains

3) It is my military unit ,misfortune
Military secret ripens
A searching for the enemy
An enemy plane becomes extinct

4) The recurrence of the incident
Taikou-Anryou (the place name?)
A military commander official residence
I return in a hurry
Again to the front line

5) A desperate struggle on the Halha River sky
A frontline duty
Capture extermination
A bloody battle
Behind military gains
The report of the desperate struggle
The miraculous safe return

6) Tamsag Attack
A Horonbail Grassy Plain
The tactics of the bringing sure death
Air control completion

7) The predominance of the fighter
A factor of the victory
I-15 and I-16
Breeding of the cherished airplane

8) A heroic suicidal explosion
The grand sight of the bombing
Heroic matchlessness
I lose a long line
Attack to SB-2 again
The regimental colors are severe

9) To the battle front
The bombing of the dark night
Kenteki-Hitugeki (I drop by all means if I see an enemy)
Talk with a journalist
More to in front of enemy

10) Mass shooting down
A leaflet
The hardship of the maintenance man
36 vs 0

11) An enemy plane attack
I sew explosion smoke
Bitter fighting attack
 Fierce battles occur successively
interfere with a sound sleep
A hard fight
Both brave men are gone

12) Near touch
An idle life out of the camp
Desperate rescue
Sky tradition
Going Home

Thanks to Henry Sakaida and Yoji Sakaida for additional information  

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September 21, 2023

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