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IJN Yūgumo-class destroyer 2,520 Tons 390' 11" x 35' 5" x 12' 4" 6 x 127mm DP guns 28 x 25mm guns 8 x torpedo tubes 36 x depth charges |
Ship History Built by Uraga Dock Company in Uraga. Laid down October 15, 1941 as as a Yūgumo-class destroyer. Launched August 17, 1942 as Kiyonami 清波 meaning clear or pure waves in Japanese. Completed January 25, 1943 and commissioned in the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) under the command of Commander Arima Tokiyoshin. Wartime History On February 25, 1943 assigned to the Second Fleet, Desdiv 31, Desron 2. PARTIAL HISTORY On July 18, 1943 at 9:50pm departs Rabaul as part of the "Night Battle Force" consisting of four cruisers and four destroyers in hopes of luring American forces into a Naval engagement, with the secondary goal of escorting the No. 6 transport operation. On July 19, 1943 at 5:30pm rendezvous with three destroyers as transports off Buin on a "Tokyo Express" transport run to Kolombangara Island. At 7:05pm attacked by enemy aircraft that are repulsed. At 9:00pm, as no enemy vessels are spotted, the destroyer transports proceed to unload at Vila on Kolombangara Island. Although flares are spotted over them, there is no enemy surface force detected and the "Night Battle Force" departs northward. Sinking History On July 20, 1943 in the morning roughly 42 miles north-northwest of Kolombangara Island rescued roughly 20 crew from Yugure sunk by air attack. During the morning, eight B-25 Mitchells from the 42nd Bombardment Group, 390th Bombardment Squadron spotted and attacked this destroyer claiming it to be a "cruiser". During the attack, bombs hit the aft disabling the destroyer, followed by three or more additional bomb hits, one claimed by B-25C "The Worry Bird" 41-13153 that hit the magazine. Heavily damaged, Kiyonami sank two minutes later at roughly Lat 7-13 S, Long 156-45 E. Fates of the Crew At 9:55am, the Japanese Navy reports: "Personnel from our ships [Yugure and Kiyonami] are adrift in the vicinity of position bearing 265 degrees 24 miles from Base Ko 3. Proceed at once to carry out search over a wide area in this vicinity and rescue these men. (You may temporarily unload any cargo)." Also, Japanese Army garrisons nearby were requested to search for survivors using barges. In fact, roughly 60 crew survived the sinking but perished at sea. Five days later, a single crew member from Yugure was rescued. References Combined Fleet - IJN Kiyonami: Tabular Record of Movement History of the 42nd Bomb Group Chapter 7 Japanese Destroyer Captain states that Kiyonami lost 240 and Yugure lost 228 Contribute
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