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U.S. Army (USA) ships in World War II Pacific and Korean War
Sinking date shown for losses, some ships appear twice if converted

Small Ships Section, Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific Area (SOS SWPA)
King John  used in New Guinea during 1942
Hilda Norling (S-62)  sunk December 24, 1943 off Tufi
Willyama Two  used in New Guinea during 1942
Shangri La (S-51) used in New Guinea during 1942
Two Freddies (S-20)  used in New Guinea during 1942

U.S. Army Transport (USAT)
USAT Don Esteban  sunk March 2, 1942 off Mindoro
USAT Liberty (USS LIberty)  beached January 11, 1942 at Tulamben on the northeastern coast of Bali Island.

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