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  B-17E "Los Lobos / Road Home / Rover Boy" Serial Number 41-9213  
13th AF
11th BG
42nd BS

Aircraft History
Built by Boeing at Seattle. Constructors Number 2685. On May 22, 1942 delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as B-17E Flying Fortress serial number 41-9213. Ferried overseas via Hickham Field then across the Pacific to the South Pacific (SoPAC).

Wartime History
On June 3, 1942 assigned to the 13th Air Force, 11th Bombardment Group (11th BG), 42nd Bombardment Squadron (42nd BS) pilot Lt. Col Brook Allen. Nicknamed "Los Lobos". Later, renamed "Road Home" and "Rover Boy".

On May 17, 1942 with a bomb bay fuel tank and took off from Hickam Field westward to Midway Airfield on Eastern Island to search for Japanese Naval forces and participated in the Battle of Midway. Afterwards, flown back to Hickam Field.

During July 1942 took off from Hickam Field on a ferry flight across the Pacific to New Caledonia then to Bomber 1 on Espititu Santo.

On September 17, 1942 took off Bomber 1 on Espiritu Santo on a reconnaissance mission over the central Solomon Islands and photographed Gizo Harbor from 7,500'.

On December 16, 1942 one of six took off at 6:45am from Bomber 1 on Espiritu Santo piloted by Captain Earl O. Hall leading a bombing mission against Munda Airfield. Also aboard was radio operator S/Sgt James C. Stephens, Jr. Each bomber was armed with twenty 100 lb fragmentation bombs. Arriving over the target at 11:58 and spotted by enemy fighters that did not attack. After bombing the target, the formation was intercepted by twelve A6M Zeros.

During August 1944 received by the 13th Air Depot Group at Tontouta Airfield on New Caledonia and condemned as war weary. Ultimate fate unknown likely scrapped or otherwise disappeared.

USAF Serial Number Search Results - B-17E Flying Fortress 41-9213

“A Short Biography of Staff Sergeant James C. Stephens Jr.” by Paul S. Stephens April 2008
Thanks to Steve Birdsall, Janice Olson and Edward Rogers for additional information

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Last Updated
April 19, 2021


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