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  B-24D-130-CO Liberator Serial Number 42-41089  
5th AF
43rd BG
65th BS

Pilot  1st Lt Walter A. Overfors (KIA, BR)
Co-Pilot  2nd Lt John G. Hising, O-799019 (KIA, BR) Worcester, MA
Crew  2nd Lt Wilfred H. Davis, O-798763 (KIA, BR)
Crew  2nd Lt John M. Kerins, O-669314 (KIA, BR) Shortsville, NY
Crew  2nd Lt Alphonso J. Giacchi, O-801451 (KIA, BR)
Crew  T/Sgt Roy H. Berglund, Jr., 17039978 (KIA, BR) NB
Crew  T/Sgt Waldemar F. Domkowski, 12035578 (KIA, BR) Schenectady, NY
Crew  S/Sgt David A. Fugate, 37224935 (KIA, BR)
Crew  S/Sgt Paul R. Ellis, 37374432 (KIA, BR) MS
Crew  S/Sgt Charles R. Loer, 15102848 (KIA, BR) IN
Crew  S/Sgt Edwin S. Anderson, 15062866 (KIA, BR) IN
Crew  T/Sgt Royal E. Jefferson, 11009234 (KIA, BR) Worcester, MA
Crashed  November 26, 1943 at 2:30am
MACR  none

Aircraft History
Built by Consolidated at San Diego. Constructors Number 2166. Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as B-24D-130-CO Liberator serial number 42-41089. Ferried overseas via Hickam Field then across the Pacific to Australia.

Wartime History
Assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 43rd Bombardment Group (43rd BG), 65th Bombardment Squadron (65th BS). No known nose art or nickname. When lost, engines R-183043 serial numbers 42-87471 and 42-88845, the other two serial numbers are unknown.

Mission History
On November 26, 1943 took off from 7 Mile Drome (Jackson) near Port Moresby at roughly 2:30am on weather reconnaissance mission over Gasmata. Instead, for unknown reasons, this B-24 crashed into Pompom Valley, near the junction of the Rigo Road and Taurama Road roughly six miles southeast of 7 Mile Drome (Jackson). The entire crew died in the crash.

Recovery of Remains
After the crash, the bodies of the crew were recovered and buried in Port Moresby.

The entire crew was officially declared dead the day of the crash. Postwar, their remains were exhumed and transported back to the United States for permanent burial.

Hising at Evergreen Cemetery at section 15 lot 221 on June 16, 1948.

Kerins at Saint Rose Cemetery in Shortsville, NY.

Domkowski at Saint Marys Cemetery in Schenectady, NY.

Loer is at Batson Cemetery in Millville, IN in the west section.

Fugate at Jefferson City National Cemetery on March 29, 1949 at section 12, site 1089.

Ellis at Ellis Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery in Bahama, NC

The other crew members are presumed to be buried in private burials in their hometowns.

Into the 1980s, this crash site remained in situ. On December 16, 1980 this crash site was identified using two of the engine cowlings, that had the constructor number 2166 stenciled onto them.

43rd Bombardment Group History
PNG Museum Aircraft Status Card - B-24D Liberator 42-40060
FindAGrave - John G. Hising (photo)
FindAGrave - John M. Kerins
FindAGrave - Waldemar F. Domkowski
FindAGrave - SSgt David A Fugate (grave photos)
FindAGrive - Charles R. Loer (grave photos)

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Last Updated
October 14, 2024


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