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May 1, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology
FRIDAY, 1 MAY 1942

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA (10th Air Force): X Air Service Command is activated under command of Brigadier General Elmer E Adler.

(5th AF): P-39 Airacobras on a ferry flight from Townsville via Cooktown to Port Moresby. They ran into a heavy storm near Horn Island and force landed. Lost are P-39D 41-6951 pilot Lt. Charles Faletta (survived), P-39F 41-7215 pilot Lt. Walter Harvey (survived), P-39F 41-7216 pilot Lt. Yundt (survived) and P-39F Airacobra pilot 2nd Lt. Robert R. Love (KIA).

Three B-26s from 22nd BG including B-26 40-1446 armed with incendiary clusters or 100 pound bombs bomb Vunakanau Airfield near Rabaul but inbound to the target experienced bad weather and diverted to bomb the alternate target Gasmata. Without opposition, the bombers made a second pass to strafe the area and before midday returned to 7 Mile Drome.

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