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    Eniwetok Island (Enewetak, Enewetok)  Marshall Islands
Eniwetok Island is two miles long and a quarter mile wide and is the largest island in Eniwetok Atoll. Wide passage into the atoll's lagoon is to the west of the island. Code named "Privilege" by the Americans. Also spelled "Enewetak", "Enewetok" or "Eniwetok".

Wartime History
On February 19, 1944 American forces landed on Eniwetok, and secured the island after two days. Immediately, US Navy Seabees begin construction on the island.

Eniwetok Airfield (Stickell Field)
Built by Americans Seabees

Americans built a large tank farm with twelve 1,000-barrel tanks, with piping, a floating pipe-line, 1,200' long, and a tanker mooring, was completed for aviation gasoline on Eniwetok Island by May 1944. Completion had been delayed by the explosion of an LCT in March, which reduced the status of completion of the farm from 80 to 30 percent. Two coral-fill piers, one 80' and the other 150' long, were built on Eniwetok Island, and two beaches were developed for LCTs. Also a small boat repair shop and a floating dock for small ships was assigned to the base.

F-86G Sabre Serial Number 51-1040
Pilot Robinson crashed October 31, 1952

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Last Updated
October 23, 2019


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