January 25, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology
CENTRAL PACIFIC (Hawaiian Air Force): B-17's of Task Group 8.9 (TG 8.9) fly from Canton to Nandi on Fiji.
SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (Far East Air Force): The first USAAF pursuit squadron in Java, the 17th Pursuit Squadron
(Provisional) under Major Charles A. Sprague, arrives with thirteen P-40 Warhawks flown from Australia and becomes the first USAAF pursuit squadron in Java. Meanwhile, eight B-17s including six from the 19th BG plus two from the 7th BG took off from Java on a bombing mission against a Japanese convoy off Balikpapan on Borneo. After bombing the landing force, the B-17s were intercepted and experienced bad weather low on fuel force landed is B-17E 41-2468 on Madera Island.
IJA: After a two-day wait for reinforcements to arrive, Japanese Army commander
Nara attacks U.S. Army positions on the Bataan Peninsula.
New Guinea: The Australian administration broadcasts a radio message for missionaries to evacuate from the Territory of Papua and Teritory of New Guinea to the safety of Australia. At the Anglican Church (Church of England) All Saints Mission at Gona three missionaries including Reverend James Benson,
nurse May Hayman and teacher Mavis Parkins voluntarily stayed behind and will suffer captivity and terrible fates when the Japanese occupy.