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April 26, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


(SWPA, 5th Air Force): 35th Pursuit Squadron (Interceptor) and 36th Pursuit Squadron (Interceptor), 8th Pursuit Group (Interceptor), transfer from Brisbane and Townsville respectively to Port Moresby with P-39's and P-400's; first mission is April 30, 1942. Force landed is P-39F 41-7210 (survived) south of Murdoch Point near Cooktown.

IJN: Japanese Type 96 / G3M Nells bomb 3 Mile Drome (Kila) with approximately 90 bombs exploding near dispersal area. Two 3rd BG A-24s are destroyed and another completely unserviceable. The partly completed 30 Mile Drome (Rarona) near Galley Reach is also bombed.

New Guinea Force Diary "Combined Operational Intelligence Centre Log for 26 April 1942 New Guinea Force - HQ & Air"

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