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    Mongolia (Outer Mongolia, People's Republic of Mongolia)  
Located to the west of Manchuria (Manchukuo), north of China and Russia to the north. Prewar, this area was also known as "Outer Mongolia". Mongolia was the second Communist country in the world, known as the People's Republic of Mongolia. Aligned with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Mongolia had a role before the start of World War II and in August 1945 at the end.

Wartime History
During May to September 1939, a border dispute known as the Battle of Khalkhin Gol / Nomonhan Incident between the Japanese and Manchukuoans versus Mongolian and Soviets.

During the 1930's the poorly defined borders of eastern Mongolia and Manchuria (Empire of Manchukuo) resulted in border incidents and conflicts and the Battle of Nomonhan / Battle of Khalkhin Gol in May 1939–September 1939 an undeclared border war between the Japanese and Manchukuoans versus Mongolian and Soviets. Afterwards, the border remained as the Soviet Union and Mongolia claimed it.

On August 9, 1945 after midnight, Soviet forces launched "Operation August Storm" attacking Manchuria on three fronts including the Harbin–Kirin Offensive Operation (Harbin-Jilin) launched from eastern Mongolia.

Ulanbaataar (Ulan Bator)  national capital located in the center of Mongolia.
Khentii Province  located in eastern Mongolia bordering China.
Dornod Province  located in eastern Mongolia bordering China.

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Last Updated
August 2, 2023


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