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  B-25H-1 Mitchell Serial Number 43-4229  
10th AF
341st BG
490th BS

Pilot  1st Lt. Arthur C. Sanders, Jr., O-735670 (MIA / KIA) Coranado, CA
Bombardier  2nd Lt. Donn M. Francis, O-681882 (MIA / KIA) Los Angeles, CA
Engineer  Pvt Isaac S. Rogers, 34133797 (MIA / KIA) Water Valley, MS
Radio  SSgt Wayne E. Hegman, 39939522 (MIA / KIA) Oakland, CA
Gunner  Sgt John J. Gallio, 31005672 (MIA / KIA) Killbury, MA
Crashed  March 17, 1944 at 11:00am
MACR  3283

Aircraft History
Built by North American Aviation (NAA). Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as B-25H-1 Mitchell serial number 43-4229. Ferried overseas to China Burma India (CBI).

Wartime History
Assigned to 10th Air Force (10th AF), 341st Bombardment Group (341st BG), 490th Bombardment Squadron (490th BS). Plane number "29". No known nickname or nose art. When lost, engines R-2600-13 serial numbers (left) 43-21476 and (right) 42-271092. Weapon serial numbers noted in Missing Air Crew Report 3283 (MACR 3283).

Mission History
On March 17, 1944 took off from Kurmitola Airfield in India (Bangladesh) piloted by 1st Lt. Arthur C. Sanders, Jr. on a low level mission over Shweli Bridge in Burma. Weather and visibility were reportedly good. After successfully bombing the bridge, the formation made a turn to the right to strafe anti-aircraft gun positions.

This B-25 was observed flying parallel to the river over the bridge when three shell bursts were observed behind it and one burst below the left left wing. Damaged, this B-25 rolled over, stalled and spun and crashed into the river and exploded roughly 1 1/2 miles north of the target area. When this aircraft failed to return it was officially listed as Missing In Action (MIA).

The entire crew was officially declared dead on January 19, 1946. All are memorialized at Manila American Cemetery on the tablets of the missing.

Bill Moore adds:
"Our elderly Aunt's Brother was lost in this crash and we have just completed our research thus far."

USAF Serial Number Search Results - B-25H-1 Mitchell 43-4229
"4229 (341st BG, R90th BS) shot down by AAA in Burma Mar 17, 1944. MACR 3283. 5 KIA"
Missing AIr Crew Report 3283 (MACR 3283)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Arthur C. Sanders Jr.

American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Donn M. Francis
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Isaac S. Rogers
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Wayne E. Hegman
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - John J. Gallio
FindAGrave - 1Lt Arthur C Sanders, Jr (tablets of the missing)

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Last Updated
February 18, 2020


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