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  P-38G-13-LO Lightning Serial Number 43-2199  
5th AF
49th FG
9th FS

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USAAF 1942
Pilot  2nd Lt. Stanley W. Johnson, O-743343 (MIA / KIA) Minneapolis, MN
MIA  November 7, 1943 at 12:40pm
MACR  1075

Aircraft History
Built by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (LAC) in Burbank. Constructors Number 322-3308. Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as P-38G-13-LO Lightning serial number 43-2199. Disassembled and shipped overseas and reassembled.

Wartime History
Assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 49th Fighter Group (49th FG), 9th Fighter Squadron (9th FS) "The Flying Knights". No known nickname, nose art or squadron number.

On June 12, 1943 while taxiing at Horanda Airfield (Dobodura 4) sustained damaged and afterwards was repaired.

When lost, engines V-1710-55 and V-1710-53 serial numbers 42-93330 and 42-251440. This aircraft was armed with four .50 caliber machine guns makers unknown serial numbers 199746, 198500, 198519 and 197600. 20mm cannon maker unknown serial number 24676.

Wartime History
On November 7, 1943 took off from Kiriwina Airfield piloted by 2nd Lt. Stanley W. Johnson as part of "Red Flight" flying as wingman for Captain Richard I. Bong on a mission to escort bombers over Rabaul. The weather was cumulus clouds with 7/10th coverage from 1,000' to well over 30,000' over the target area. Last seen by Captain Richard I. Bong over Saint Georges Channel near Induna Island with four enemy fighters on his tail diving away. When this P-38 failed to return it was officially declared Missing In Action (MIA).

Johnson was officially declared dead on December 15, 1945. He earned the Silver Star, Air Medal and Purple Heart, posthumously. Johnson is memorialized at Manila American Cemetery on the tablets of the missing. He also has a memorial marker at Lewistown City Cemetery in Lewistown, MT.

During December 1943, the widow of 2nd Lt. Stanley W. Johnson was visiting Superior, Wisconsin and met Richard I. Bong who was home on leave and was Johnson's flight leader when he went Missing In Action (MIA). Later, Bong confided to his new girlfriend Marjorie "Marge" Ann Vattendahl how difficult the meeting was and how bravely Mrs. Johnson was coping with the loss. The meeting so influenced him that Bong even commented to his girlfriend that "he didn't think anyone should rush into marriage until the war was over. The future is too uncertain and there is too much misery in store for those left behind."

Barbara V. Johnson (wife)
Alfred W. Johnson (father)
Mildred N. Johnson (mother)

NARA World War II Army Enlistment Records - Stanley W. Johnson
USAF Serial Number Search Results - P-38G-13-LO Lightning 43-2199
Individual Deceased Personnel File (IDPF) - Stanley W. Johnson
Missing Air Crew Report 1075 (MACR 1075) created November 9, 1943
Great Falls Tribune "S. W. Johnson of Lewiston Listed as Dead" December 27, 1945 page 4
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) Stanley W. Johnson
FindAGrave - 2Lt Stanley W Johnson (tablets of the missing)
FindAGrave - Stanley Warren Johnson (memorial marker Lewistown City Cemetery)
Ace of Aces The Dick Bong Story (1985, 2019) pages 57-59 (November 7, 1943), 69 (widow meets Bong in Superior), 153 (index Johnson)
Jungle Ace (2001) page 145

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Last Updated
September 8, 2024


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Nov 7, 1943 MACR 1075

Nov 7, 1943
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