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March 3, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology

Washington DC: A dividing line for the Western Pacific was approved; Burma and all Southeast Asia west of a north-south line between Java and Sumatra fell under General Sir Archibald P. Wavell, British Commander in Chief in India, and the British Chiefs of Staff were charged with the strategic direction of the theater; the Pacific east of the new line was given over to American JCS control.

Burma: Fighting continues in Waw-Pyinbon area, northeast of Pegu. The 63d Brigade Group arrives in Rangoon.

Java: The Dutch continue the losing battle for Java against superior Japanese forces.

IJN: Nine A6M2 led by C5M2 Babs pilot Akira Hayashi from 3rd Kōkūtai (3rd Air Group) took off from Koepang Airfield on Timor for a strike against Broome. Over the target at 9:20am flying at an altitude of 500', three Zeros flew top cover while C5M2 Babs pilot Akira Hayashi with observer Shinobu Nagasawa flew reconnaissance and took a photograph during the raid. The six Zeros use their machine guns and cannons to strafe parked aircraft at Broome Airfield. and seaplanes moored in Roebuck Bay. During the strike, A6M2 Zero pilot Kudo was hit by anti-aircraft fire and crash into the sea. Returning, another Zero ditched.

Australia: At 10:00am Japanese aircraft attack Broome, Broome Airfield and Roebuck Bay shortly after the arrival of 9 bombers evacuating personnel and civilians from Java. The Japanese destroy 2 B-17's, 2 B-24's, 12 seaplanes, and 2 Hudsons, and kill at least 45 Dutch civilians and 20 US airmen. Lost were Loadstar LT9-18, B-24A 40-2373, Loadstar A16-119, Do24 X-1, RAF PBY Catalina, Dutch Navy PBY Catalina, S.23 "Centaurus" A18-10, S.23 "Corinna" G-AEUC, B-17E 41-2449 and B-17E 41-2454. Shot down is B-24A 40-2374 (MIA). The Japanese attack on Broome is the second worst air raid against Australia. In total, 70 were killed and 24 aircraft destroyed (including 16 flying boats).

RAAF: At 8:30pm, five Hudsons took off from 7 Mile Drome near Port Moresby on a night bombing mission of Gasmata and arrive over the target after midnight on March 4, 1942.

USN: USS Perch SS-176 damaged by depth charges and forced to the surface then scuttled in the Java Sea. Her become Prisoners Of War (POW).

USS Asheville (PG-21) is sunk by gunfire of Japanese destroyers Arashi and Nowaki south of Java at roughly Lat 12°33'S Long 111°35'E. Asheville's sole survivor will perish in a POW camp in 1945.

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