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Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF)
Japanese Army Air ForceThe Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF) was the aviation force of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA). Officially, 大日本帝國陸軍航空部隊 Dainippon Teikoku Rikugun Kōkūbutai (Greater Japan Empire Army Air Corps). The Imperial Japanese Army Air Service (IJAAS) or Imperial Japanese Army Air Force (IJAAF). The primary mission was to provide tactical close air support for Army ground forces, air interdiction capability and aerial reconnaissance.

In 1909, two Japanese Army officers Captain Yoshitoshi Tokugawa and Captain Hino Kumazō were sent to France and German for pilot training and to acquire aircraft. The pair purchased a Farman biplane and a Grade monoplane and shipped them to Japan. On December 19, 1909 Captain Yoshitoshi Tokugawa piloting the Farman III conducted the first successful powered flight in Japan at Yoyogi Parade Ground in Tokyo. In 1911, more aircraft were purchased and Japan decided to split Army and Navy aviation into separate organizations.

In May 1925, the Imperial Japanese Army Air Corps (IJAAC) was established under the command of Lieutenant General Kinichi Yasumitsu, it was regarded as a branch equal to the artillery, cavalry or infantry and was modeled on German Army Aviation. On May 5, 1927 the Hikō Rentai (Air Regiment) was established with two battalions, each with four squadrons. In August 1938, a complete re-organization created the 飛行戦隊, Hikō Sentai (Air Combat Group). The JAAF was divided into four Kōkū Gun (Air Army) responsible for a geographic area. In February 1944 the 5th Air Army was added for southern and eastern China an the d 6th Air Army added for Taiwan and Okinawa.

Kōkū Gun (Air Army)
Hikō Shudan (Air Corps)
Hikō Shidan (Air Division)
Hikō Dan (Air Brigade)
Hikō Rentai (Air Regiment) / Hikō Sentai (Air Regiment / Air Combat Group)
Hikō Daitai (Air Battalion)
Dokuritsu Hikō Chutai (Independent Company)
Chutai (Company)
Shotai (Flight)

Hiko Sentani (Flying Regiment)
  • 20th Hiko Sentai
  • 21st Hiko Sentai
  • 22nd Hiko Sentai
  • 23rd Hiko Sentai
  • 24th Hiko Sentai
  • 25th Hiko Sentai
  • 26th Hiko Sentai
  • 27th Hiko Sentai
  • 28th Hiko Sentai
  • 29th Hiko Sentai
  • 30th Hiko Sentai
  • 31st Hiko Sentai
  • 32nd Hiko Sentai
  • 33rd Hiko Sentai
  • 34th Hiko Sentai
  • 35th Hiko Sentai
  • 36th Hiko Sentai
  • 37th Hiko Sentai
  • 38th Hiko Sentai
  • 39th Hiko Sentai
  • 40th Sentai
  • 41st Sentai
  • 42nd Sentai
  • 43rd Sentai
  • 44th Sentai
  • 45th Sentai
  • 46th Sentai
  • 47th Sentai
  • 48th Sentai
  • 49th Sentai
  • 50th Sentai
  • 51st Sentai
  • 52nd Sentai
  • 53rd Sentai
  • 54th Sentai
  • 55th Sentai
  • 56th Sentai
  • 57th Sentai
  • 58th Sentai
  • 59th Sentai
Dokuritsu Dai Shijugo Chutai (Independent Squadron)
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