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  Type 98 Ro-Ke Prime Mover   The Beck Museum

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Allan H. Kelly 2000
Wartime History
Delivered to the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) as Type 98 Ro-Ke as a six ton prime mover. Shipped to New Guinea.

During 1944, captured by the Australian Army. Possibly, this is the same Type 98 Ro-Ke prime mover abandoned near Mililat then repaired by the Australian Army. Afterwards, repaired and shipped to Australia. During technical evaluation at Melbourne, the engine was removed and misplaced. At the end of World War II, this prime mover was likely offered for sale as war surplus.

This prime mover without an engine was purchased by a timber mill in Queensland and fitted with a Bedford engine. Afterwards, to a war museum on the Gold Coast and remained in working condition until the middle of the 1980s. Later, acquired by The Beck Museum.

This prime mover is displayed at The Beck Museum (Beck Collection) indoors. The vehicle has traces of green and yellow paint, it is unclear if this is the original paint scheme or was repainted over the decades.

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Last Updated
July 29, 2024


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