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  P-38F-5-LO "Synchronized Sal" Serial Number 42-12646  
5th AF
49th FG
17th FS(P)

Prior Assignments
35th FG
39th FS

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USAAF 1942

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Justin Taylan 2006
Pilot  2nd Lt. Charles F. Rowsey O-399644 (KIA, BR) Humboldt, KS
Crashed  December 4, 1942
MACR  none

Aircraft History
Built by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (LAC) in Burbank. Constructors Number 222-7080. Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as P-38F-5-LO Lightning serial number 42-12646. Disassembled and shipped overseas and reassembled in Australia.

Wartime History
On September 17, 1942 assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 35th Fighter Group (35th FG), 39th Fighter Squadron (39th FS). Nicknamed "Synchronized Sal". During November 1942 assigned to the 49th Fighter Group (49th FG), 17th Fighter Squadron (Provisional) at Amberley Field.

On November 25, 1942 during take off from Amberley Field piloted by 1st Lt. Carl T. Rauch, Jr. when the right propeller ran away during take off and the plane did not become airborne and was unable to stop when the brakes burned out. The plane narrowly avoided construction equipment extending the runway then crossed a road before coming to a stop at the end of the runway extension.

Mission History
On December 4, 1942 at 10:50am took off from Amberley Field piloted by 2nd Lt. Charles F. Rowsey as one of four P-38s on a training mission with Lt. Douglas Morgan and 2nd Lt. John G. O'Neill. This aircraft was flying on the wing of 2nd Lt. John G. O'Neill.

During a crossover, Lt. Rowsey accidentally collided with P-38F Lightning 42-12642 piloted by 2nd Lt. John G. O'Neill and went into a spiral to the left from approximately 5,000' and crashed into mountains at Peak Crossing near Purga. While attempting to bail out, Rowsey was caught on his tail boom and died when his plane impacted the ground. Meanwhile, O'Neill managed to trim his damaged P-38 to fly on one engine and made a safe landing back at Amberley Field.

Recovery of Remains
At the crash site, Rowsey's remains were recovered and buried in Ipswich Cemetery. Postwar, his remains were transported to the United States and permanently burial.

This aircraft crashed at Peak Crossing approximately 20 miles from Amberley. Afterwards, one engine was recovered from the crash site and is displayed at RAAF Amberley Museum.

Rowsey was officially declared dead the day of the mission. On December 7, 1942 a miltary funeral was held for him at Ipswich Cemetery with a honor flight fly over by P-38F Lightnings piloted by . Douglas, Rauch, Woodring, Holze, Barnes, Price, Overson and O'Neill. Postwar, he was permanently buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery at section N, site 84.

USAF Serial Number Search Results - P-38F-5-LO Lightning 42-12646
Activation And History of 17th Fighter Squadron (Provisional) P-38 Type Aircraft pages 2, 3 via AFHRA
"25 Nov 42: Lt. Rauch was fllying "Synchronized Sal". Right prop ran away on take-off. Didn't leave ground."
"7 Dec 194 Monday: Guard of honor was flown over cemetery for funeral of Lt. Rowsey. The following officers made the flight: Lts. Douglas, Rauch, Woodring, Holze, Barnes, Price, Overson and O'Neill. Lt. Rowsey was buried in Ipswitch Cemetery."
370th Service Squadron / 17th PS History 370th Service Squadron pages 1-2 via AFHRA (IRIS 00070873)
"On December 4th, while engaged in a routine training mission as a member of a flight, 2nd Lt. Charles F. Rowsey suddenly locked wings with another plane in the same flight piloted by 2nd Lt. John O'Neill. Lt. quickly brought his plane under control, returning to Amberley Field and landed safely. Lt. Rowsey was forced to bail out, but in so doing his parachute became entangled on the empennage of his plane and fell to his death."
FindAGrave - Charles F Rowsey (photo, grave photo)
Oz@War - Collision of two p-38 lightnings near Purga, QLD (near Amberley) on 4 December 1942

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Last Updated
August 23, 2024


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