February 25, 1942
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology
SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th Air Force): Arriving in Brisbane from the US are: HQ 3d Bombardment Group plus the 8th Bombardment Squadron, 13th Bombardment
Squadron, 89th Bombardment
Squadron and
90th Bombardment
Squadron equipped with A-20s. Their first combat mission are during April 1942. HQ 22nd Bombardment
Group (Medium),
2nd Bombardment Squadron, 19th Bombardment Squadron and 33d Bombardment Squadron (Medium) and 18th Reconnaissance Squadron
(Medium) with B-26s; first combat missions are during April 1942. HQ 38th Bombardment Group
(Medium) and 15th Reconnaissance Squadron
(Medium) and 69th Bombardment Squadron, 70th Bombardment Squadron (Medium) and 71st Bombardment Squadron (Medium) with B-26s;
first mission is during June 1942. The air echelon of 69th Bombardment Squadron and 70th Bombardment Squadron remain in the US until
May 1942 and June 1942.
39th Pursuit Squadron (Interceptor), 35th Pursuit Squadron (Interceptor),
with P-39's; first mission is June 2, 1942. Force landed is B-26 40-1398 (survived).
USN: PBY 28 SMNE 73 (MIA) is lost over Bali.
American-British-Dutch-Australian (ABDA) "Eastern Striking Force" including HMS Encounter (H10) departs Batavia (Jakarta) bound for Surabaja and conducts a sweep along the coast of Madoera to intercept Japanese transports reported near Bawean Island, but no contact was made.