Map of Clearing Bataan February 12-21, 1945
Depicts U.S. Army liberation of Bataan Peninsula on Luzon and Corregidor Island. On February 12, 1945 the hatched line indicates 152nd Infantry advancing eastward from Olongapo and the 149th Infantry advancing westward from Balsic linked up, isolating the Japanese on the Bataan Peninsula. Meanwhile, on February 12, 1945 the "East Force" black solid line indicates their advance to Orani then southward along the eastern coast and by February 16, 1945 reached Limay. On February 14, 1945 "South Force" made an amphibious landing inside Mariveles Harbor at Mariveles and split with one group advancing to the northeast and by February 18, 1945 reached Limay with another advance to the northwest along a trail to Bagac by February 21, 1945. Meanwhile on February 16, 1945 paratrooper drop by the 503rd
Parachute Regiment (503rd PIR) onto Corregidor and simultaneous amphibious landing of the 34th Infantry
Regiment. Indicated is the Bataan Peninsula on Luzon including Orani, Pilar, Orion, Limay and Mariveles connected by road with a trail leading to Bagac. At the northern end of the map is Olongapo, Balsic, Bulate and Culo. To the northwest is Subic Bay bordering Olongapo and Grande Island. Also indicated is Moron, Mount Natib (Mt. Natib and Mount Mariveles (Mt. Mariveles). At the lower edge is the North Channel into Manila Bay with Corregidor Island and Caballo Island and to the west is the South China Sea.
Credit: U.S. Army Chapter XVII: Back to Bataan page 333 Date: February 12, 1945–February 21, 1945
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