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USAAF 5th AF 71st TRG 82nd TRS ![]() ![]() 82nd TRS 1945 ![]() ![]() 82nd TRS January 1945 |
Pilot 2nd Lt Robert S. Huffman, O-827209 (KIA, BR) Elkhart, IN Crashed March 5, 1945 at 1:45pm MACR 12924 Aircraft History Built by North American Aviation (NAA) in Inglewood. Constructors Number 109-28474. Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as P-51D-10-NA Mustang serial number 44-14841. Converted to F-6D photographic reconnaissance version with aluminum finish. Disassembled and shipped overseas to the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) and reassembled. Wartime History Assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 71st Tactical Reconnaissance Group (71st TRG), 82nd Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron (82nd TRS). Assigned to pilot Captain William A. Shomo with crew chief Ralph Winkle. Squadron Number 66 in black painted on the tail. Nicknamed "Snooks the 5th". On the left side of the cockpit was "Capt. Wm. A. Shomo" in a cursive font with a black rectangular scoreboard Japanese rising sun flags indicating Shomo's aerial victory claims. During late 1944, this aircraft operated from Pitu Airfield (Pitoe, Moratai) on Morotai Island as part of a detachment. On January 1, 1945, flown to the Philippines via Tacloban Airfield on Leyte, then onward to Hill Field (Hammer) on Mindoro. On January 11, 1945, took off from Hill Field (Hammer) piloted by Captain William A. Shomo with wingman F-6D Mustang 44-14873 piloted by Lt. Paul Lipscomb on an armed photographic and strafing mission over Tuguegarao Airfield, Aparri Airfield, and Laoag Airfield. Over northern Luzon, the pair sighted a formation of enemy planes flying south at about 2,500' below them. Despite being obviously outnumbered, they immediately pulled an "Immelmann" turn and found themselves behind a force of eleven Ki-61 Tonys and one Ki-44 Tojo escorting a G4M Betty. Although the odds were 13 against 2, Major Shomo immediately ordered an attack. Accompanied by Lipscomb they closed on the enemy formation in a climbing turn and scored hits on the leading plane of the third element, which exploded in midair. Maj. Shomo then attacked the second element from the left side of the formation and shot another fighter down in flames. When the enemy formed for counterattack, Major Shomo moved to the other side of the formation and hit a third fighter which exploded and fell. Diving below the G4M Betty, Shomo put a burst into its underside and it crashed and burned. Pulling up from this pass he encountered a fifth plane firing head on and destroyed it. He next dived upon the first element and shot down the lead plane; then diving to 300 feet in pursuit of another fighter he caught it with his initial burst and it crashed in flames. During this action his wingman shot down 3 planes, while the 3 remaining enemy fighters fled into a cloud bank and escaped. Maj. Shomo's extraordinary gallantry and intrepidity in attacking such a far superior force and destroying seven enemy aircraft in one action is unparalleled in the South West Pacific Area. For his actions, Shomo earned the Medal of Honor on April 3, 1945. When lost, engine V-1650-7 serial number V-325473. Armed with six .50 caliber machine guns makers unknown serial numbers 1801242, 1544550, 1545682, 1544567, 1297877 and 1208677. Mission History On March 5, 1945 took off from Lingayen Airfield on Luzon piloted by 2nd Lt Robert S. Huffman as one of seven F-6 Mustangs on a mission to bomb and strafe enemy supplies and fuel stored near Cattagoaman (Cattagoaman Nuevo).. This plane was flying in the first section, no. 4 position as element wingman for F/O Robert Ross. Weather was CAVU with smoke and haze over the target area. Over the target, the formation started their bomb run diving down from 8,000'. Afterwards, this aircraft did not rejoin the formation. Last seen at approximately 1:45pm one and one half mile northwest of Tuguegarao. When this plane failed to return it was officially listed as Missing In Action (MIA). Signed statements by three pilots present on the raid in which It. Huffman was lost are in agreement concerning the event. These statements, made two days after the raid, indicate that Lt. Huffman's plane was last seen entering a dive bombing raid over the target. Statement of 1st Lt Robert G. Fenske: "On the radio check in, his (It Huffman's) checked out O.K... When It Huffman's bombs hit there was an explosion followed by a fire giving off black snoke... It Huffman did not join up and failed to respond to my call on the radio. We searched the entire area surrounding the target and the target itself. But because of fire and smoke caused by the bombing I could not definitely determine that It Huffman failed to pull out of the dive and crashed into the terget area." Search When this aircraft failed to rejoin the formation, the other aircraft immediately searched the surrounding area, but observed no trace of a downed plane. The 308th Bomb Wing Air Sea Rescue section was contacted and the next day a search led by 1st Lt. Harlan B. White searched the area and took K-22 vertical photographs of the Tuguegarao area but failed to spot the crash site. The search found nothing. Wreckage On February 28, 1947 a team from American Graves Registration Service (AGRS) including Pfc Erwin M. Budnik and Pfc Jose H. Gomes found the crash site of a single engine plane with a four bladed propeller. The engine was partially buried in the ground and impossible to dislodge. Using two carabaos, they were unable to pull the engine free from the ground. The team found the number "378413" but likely several digits were misread due to the crash and fire. The plane's engine serial number was V-325473 and was the only American plane known to have crashed in the area. They also found a number on a propeller blade. The team also interviewed three Filipino civilians who observed the crash on March 5, 1945 around 1:00pm. Filipino Mr. Melecio Barreo stated: "I saw the planes encircling the enemies dropping bombs, and.,. after the plane which another one was followin& released its bomb, the latter zoomed down ancl failed to pull out, but flamee burst out at once at the target area. After the fire was extinguiehed, there appeared the wrecked. American plane with U s pilot partly cremated... no poaaibility of ident1f1cation could be made of the pilot for fear of the Japanese." Recovery of Remains On February 28, 1947 a team from American Graves Registration Service (AGRS) recovered fragmented remains from the crash site that were designated as Unknown X-230 (X File 230), later redesignated Unknown X-1460 (X File 1460). The recovered remains were initially buried at Santa Barbara No. 1 Cemetery (USAF Cemetery Santa Barbara No. 1) at row 108, grave 5701. On April 28, 1949 disinterred and transported to Manila to the AGRS Mausoleum at Fort McKinley. On April 8, 1949 identified at Huffman. Memorials Huffman was officially declared dead the day of the mission. On November 1, 1949 buried at Manila American Cemetery at Plot N Row 9 Grave 48. Relatives Rosalie S. Huffman (mother passed away September 9, 1986 at age 99) References NARA World War II Army Enlistment Records - Robert S. Huffman USAF Serial Number Search Results - P-51D-10-NA Mustang 44-14841 "14841 (F-6D, 82nd TRS, 71st TRG, 5th AF) crashed 1 1/2 mi SW of Tuguegarao Cagayan, Luzon Island, Philippines Mar 5, 1945. MACR 12924. Pilot killed." Missing Air Crew Report 12924 (MACR 12924) created March 6, 1945 USAF Historical Study No. 85 USAF Credits For The Destruction of Enemy Aircraft, World War II Alphabetical: Shomo, William A. page 172 (PDF page 179), Alphabetical list by theater of operation (SWP) Shomo, William A.: 01/10/45 1/11/45 (seven) page 364 (PDF page 370) The Strafin' Saints - The 71st Tactical Reconnaissance Group Memories of their Service in the Pacific Theater 1943 Through 1945 pages 304-309 (interview with Shomo transcribed and edited from audio interview with Shomo August 1982) American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Robert Sidell Huffman FindAGrave - 2Lt Robert Sidell Huffman (grave photo) Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces of the Pacific and CBI (1999) pages cover, 4, 38-42, 58 (color plate 24), 95, 88 (ace list) Thanks to Tony Feredo, Osamu Tagaya and Richard Dunn for additional information Contribute Information Are you a relative or associated with any person mentioned? Do you have photos or additional information to add? Last Updated
![]() F-6D ![]() Photo Archive ![]() Medal of Honor ![]() Map March 5, 1945 |
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