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    Mangaldan Airfield (Honey) Pangasinan Province | Luzon Philippines
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41st FS c1945

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Justin Taylan 2005

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USMC c1945

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Justin Taylan 2005
Lat 16° 3' 0" N Long 120° 23' 0" E  Mangaldan Airfield was located at 15' above sea level to the north of Mangaldan near Lingayen Gulf on the north coast of Luzon in the 4th District of Pangasinan Province in the Philippines. Pronounced "Ma-ngal-dan". Also known as Mangaldan Airdrome, Mangaldan Drome or by the code name "Honey". To the north is Lingayen Gulf and to the west is Dagupan.

Built after the American liberation in early January 1945. Two parallel runways were built, running east to west parallel and south of the road running that runs through Mangaldan. Code named "Honey".

Wartime History
Mangaldan Airfield was used by both the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF), U.S. Navy (USN) and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) planes. Starting in late January 1945, the first planes were based at the new airfield. The control tower was code named "Honey". At its height, the strip was used by A-20s, B-24s P-51s, P-47s, C-47s plus USN and USMC PBYs and SBDs.

On January 25, 1945 first SBD Dauntless dive bombers from from Marine Scout Bomber Squadron 133 (VMSB-133) and Marine Scout Bomber Squadron 241 (VMSB-241) arrive at Mangaldan Airfield as part of Marine Aircraft Groups, Dagupan to provide close air support for U.S. Army operations on Luzon.

American units based at Mangaldan
U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) units based at Mangaldan
35th FG, Headquarters (HQ), Morotai arrives January 20, 1945
35th FG, 39th FS (P-47, P-51) Morotai arrives Jan 22, 1945–April 10, 1945 Lingayen
3rd Air Commando Group, HQ (C-47) Leyte arrives Jan 26–April 30, 45 Laoag
3rd Air Group, 3rd FS (P-51) Leyte arrives January 26 - April 15, 45 Laoag
3rd Air Group, 4th FS (P-51) Leyte arrives January 26 - April 15, 45 Laoag
3rd Air Group, 160th Liaison Squadron (UC-64, L-5) Leyte arrives Jan 31, 1945
3rd Air Group, 157th Liaison Squadron (UC-64, L-5) Leyte arrives Jan 31, 1945
3rd Air Group, 159th Liaison Squadron (UC-64, L-5) Leyte arrives Jan 31, 1945
312th BG, 386th BS (A-20) Tanauan arrives February 10, 1945–April 16, 1945 departs Floridablanca
312th BG, 387th BS (A-20) Tanauan arrives February 10, 1945–April 16, 1945 departs Floridablanca
312th BG, 388th BS (A-20) San Jose arrives February 1 - April 20, 1945 departs Floridablanca
312th BG, 389th BS (A-20) San Jose arrives February 11, 1945–April 20, 1945 departs Floridablanca
35th FG, 41st FS (P-47, P-51) Wama arrives January 21, 1945 - April 16, 1945 departs Lingayen
35th FG, 40th FS (P-47, P-51) from Wama arrives January 1945
58th FG, HQ San Jose arrives April 5, 1945
58th FG, 310th FS (P-47) from San Jose arrives April 6, 1945–April 18, 1945 departs Porac
58th FG, 311th FS (P-47) from Elmore (San Jose) arrives April 7, 1945–April 17, 1945 departs Porac
58th FG, 68th FS (P-47) from San Jose arrives April 7 , 1945 - April 17, 1945 departs Porac
6th ERS (B-17, OA-10) arrives April 1945–June 1945 departs Clark Field
U.S. Navy (USN) units based at Mangaldan
Air Wing 17
U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) units based at Mangaldan
Marine Air Group 31 (MAG-32) 1945
Marine Air Group 24 (MAG-24) 1945
VMSB-133 (SBD) January 25, 1945
VMSB-241 (SBD) January 25, 1945
VMSB-243 (SBD) 1945
VMSB-244 (SBD) 1945

6th Emergency history, page 6
"[In early April 1945] To further complicate matters at both fields, the rainy season started a couple of weeks earlier than anticipated. This was especially evident at Mangalden where B-17s an OA-10s, parked off the dirt strip, were mired and operations curtailed. For a period of five day the strip was in operational and missions were carried out by two aircraft that operated from Goatee Strip at Lingayen by the gulf of the same name."

Japanese missions against Mangaldan Airfield
January 29, 1945 - March 1, 1945

Gregoia "George" A. Soriano adds:
"I was houseboy for pilots of the 41st Fighter Squadron at Mangaldan. I remember Captain Beamer, and Captain Royal S. Kay. They were all very nice to me."

Jorge Torralba adds:
"It was an impromptu airbase with steel matting as the 'an reinforcement. It houses Mustang P-51 fighter planes, double-bodied P-38 fighter planes, B-29 bombers and Navy bombers. Pilots and maintenance crews littered the surrounding fields with their tents and quarters. I applied as room orderly in the pilot's section. During their flying missions, I took care of their laundry to be distributed to the laundry women and to keep the camp in order. I received a salary of P4.00 a day."

Travis Smith, 41st FS P-51 pilot recalls:
"I was only at Mangaldan a few weeks, before moving to Lingayen but took photos at Mangaldan, of out tent and people."

Joe Potts, 40th Fighter Squadron recalls:
"Mangaldan was wide enough to take off as an entire flight. When the wet season came, the rice paddies would flood and we would have to taxi around puddles on the strip!"

Disused since the Pacific War, the town of Mangaldan expanded and absorbed most of the former airfield. The runway area has become rice paddies, irrigated pools for fish farms and open space. In past decades farmers reported finding bullets and other remains, but not many traces of the airfield remain today.

The former airfield spans four barangays of Mangaldan: Poblacion, Bari, Malibago and Anolid from east to west towards Dagupan on the northern side of the main road. In the Poblacion [center of town], it is where the Mangaldan National High School is situated now. The residents nearby confirmed that the area where the school is located was the 'landing area' (tarmac) of the old airstrip. Few in Mangaldan or the surrounding area are even aware that there was an airfield at this location during World War II.

Bautiste House (MAG 32 HQ Building 32)
This structure was built in 1935, along the north side of the east-west road through Mangaldan. After the American landing, it was rented by Marines and used as their HQ Building for MAG 32. The building survived until sometime in the post war, when it was torn down. Today, only the concrete posts from the exterior fence remain, although the property is still owned by the Bautise family as the original building. Then & Now Bautiste House (MAG-32 Headquarters Building)

Airdromes Guide Southwest Pacific Area - 1 July 1945
Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA) 6th Emergency Rescue (IRISNUM: 00067322) page 6

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January 30, 2025


July 1, 1945

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