January 15, 1945
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology
CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): 18 B-25s, supported by 20 P-51s and P-40s, attack Hankow. Others hit the Wan Pa-Hsa, Burma town area
and damage a nearby bridge and in China, attack shipping near Amoy, and hit targets of opportunity in the Siang-Chiang and Hsiang River Valleys and
from Hong Kong to Foochow. 130+ P-40s and P-51s on armed reconnaissance attack numerous targets of opportunity throughout S China from the Burma border
to the SE coast.
Burma: At conference in Myitkyina, Gens Wedemeyer, Stratemeyer, and Sultan agree that an AAF hq should be set up in China to command U.S. Tenth and Fourteenth Air Forces.
In NCAC area, inaugural convoy from Ledo reaches Myitkyina, where it halts to await clearance of enemy ahead. Ch 30th Div takes Namhkam with ease, gaining control of lower end of Shweli Valley.
In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div secures another bridgehead across the Irrawaddy, at Kyaukmyaung.
China: Japanese begin offensive for Suichwan airfields, driving along Chaling-Lienhwa road.
INDIA-BURMA THEATER (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 12 B-24s bomb a troop concentration and the supply area at Mong Ngaw; 6 fighter-bombers damage
a bridge at Namhkai; 11 support ground forces along the Irrawaddy River, bombing Mabein, hitting a cable crossing at Myitson, and attacking a ferry landing on the Nampaw River, a tributary; troops, supplies, tanks and targets of opportunity are attacked at several points in N Burma including Mong Tat, Mong Yok and Mong Pa. Transports fly 527 sorties to forward areas. Lieutenant Generals Albert C. Wedemeyer, Commanding General China Theater, George E. Stratemeyer, Commanding General Eastern Air Command, and Daniel I. Sultan, Commanding General India-Burma Theater, confer at Myitkyina and agree that an AAF HQ to command the US Tenth and Fourteenth Air Forces should be set up in China. The 15th Combat Cargo Squadron, 4th Combat Cargo Group, moves from Argartala to Chittagong with C-46s. The 164th Liaison Squadron (Commando), 1st Air Commando Group, moves from Inbaung to Kan, Burma with UC-64s and L-5s.
AAFPOA (Seventh Air Force): 12 B-24s from Saipan hit airfields on Iwo Jima; 2 B-24s, operating singly from Guam and Saipan, strike Iwo Jima airfields during the night of 15/16 Jan.
SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA [SWPA, Far East Air Force (FEAF)]: B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers attack objectives on Luzon and on Palawan hitting highways, railroads, airfields and numerous targets of opportunity including tanks, trucks, and other vehicles. B-24s also bomb Jesselton Airfield. The 318th Troop Carrier Squadron (Commando), 3d Air Commando Group, moves from Nadzab to Leyte with C-47s.
RNZAF: "A Black Day for the Kiwis" thirty-six Corsairs from No. 14 Squadron, No. 16 Squadron and No. 24 Squadron on a fighter sweep over Rabaul. Lost over the target is F4U Corsair NZ5413 (pilot POW, died). Returning from the mission lost due to bad weather is F4U Corsair NZ5283 pilot Flight Lieutenant Thomas R. F. Johnson (MIA), F4U Corsair NZ5287 pilot FSgt Ronald W. Albrecht (MIA), F4U Corsair NZ5408 pilot Bruce S. Hay (MIA), F4U Corsair NZ5412 pilot Albert N. Saward (MIA), F4U Corsair NZ5423 pilot Albert N. Saward (MIA), F4U Corsair NZ5428 pilot FSgt Ian J. Munro (MIA) and F4U Corsair NZ5294 pilot F/O Greville Randell (KIA).
U.S. Navy: District patrol craft YP-73 sinks after running aground 1,000 yards east of Spruce Cape signal station, Kodiak, Alaska. Coast Guard tender Bittersweet (WAG-389) rescues survivors.
USS Hoggatt Bay (CVE-75) is damaged by accidental explosion of bombs as aircraft (VC 88) lands on board as the ship operates off west coast of Luzon, 17°01'N, 119°20'E.
TF 38 under Vice Admiral John S. McCain severely handicapped by weather conditions attacks Japanese shipping and aircraft off Formosa and the China coast from Hong Kong to Amoy. Carrier planes sink destroyer Hatakaze and fast transport T.14 at 22°37'N, 120°15'E; fleet tanker Mirii Maru and army cargo ship Enoshima Maru off Takao; destroyer Tsuga off Mako, 23°33'N, 119°33'E; and damage auxiliary minelayer Maroshima off Formosa and army cargo ships Beiju Maru and Yoshun Maru off Keelung. Because of deteriorating weather conditions, some of the planes are diverted to Mako Ko in the Pescadores and others to Prates Reef. Elsewhere, carrier planes sink Japanese salvage ship Horei Maru off San Fernando.
Japanese auxiliary minesweeper No.1 Kyo Maru is sunk by mine laid by British submarine HMS Porpoise (N14) on January 9, 1945 south of Penang, Malaya, 05°18'N, 100°20'E
Japanese merchant cargo ship No.5 Kujyo Maru is sunk by aircraft southwest of Paramushiro Island Kurils.
Japanese river gunboat Narumi is damaged by USAAF aircraft near Hankow, China.
USS Swanson (DD-443) bombards Rota Island; she repeats the operation the following day.
U.S. Army: In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, elements of 40th Div begin probing in Dasol Bay Balinao Peninsula area, where action is insignificant through 18th. 2d Bn of 160th Inf takes San Clemente, forcing enemy party back toward Camiling. Elements of 129th Inf and 37th Rcn Tr, 37th Div, intercept the enemy party near Camiling and disperse it. In I Corps area, 6th Div, while continuing holding action, extends left flank to Cabanbanan, between Manaoag and Urdaneta. Patrols find enemy in possession of Urdaneta and Cabaruan Hills. In 43d Div zone, 158th Inf, assisted by artillery, naval gunfire, and aircraft, begins clearing the defile near Amlang, on the road to Rosario; 63d Inf drives north in effort to make contact with 158th but stops for night well south of Amlang; 172d Inf clears Hill 665 and reaches Damortis-Rosario Road within 1½ miles of Rosario; 169th, unable to take Hill 355 from W and S, prepares to strike from E; 103d gains most of Hill 200 area.
A battalion from the 7th Infantry Divison Task Force lands unopposed on north and south tips of Ponson. The landing was supported by four PT Boats with U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) aircraft providing cover.
On Mindoro, 2d Bn of 21st Inf, driving on Calapan, meets delaying opposition along Gusay Creek. 503d Para Inf, which has been assisting guerrilla forces, terminates operations on Mindoro.
The Siege of Rabaul (1996) by Henry Sakaida Chapter 17 A Black Day for the Kiwis pages 69-72