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  B-17E "Queenie" Serial Number 41-2464  
5th AF
Air Service Command

Former Assignments:
7th BG
9th BS

19th BG
28th BS
93rd BS

43rd BG
64th BS
65th BS

46th SG

6th PRG
8th PRS

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43rd BG c1943

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43rd BG c1943
Pilot  Lt. Col Walter P. Piehl, O-230257 5th AF, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) WI
Co-Pilot  Captain Alan C. Attebery, O-664493 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) MS
Engineer  SSgt Cortez A. Beal, 34190024 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) TN
Radio  SSgt Henry Y. Willis, 34058608 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) FL
Crew Chief  TSgt Edgar W. Elseman, 17004297 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) NB
Passenger  Major Robert H. Barnes, O-900048 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) AR
Passenger  Major Victor De F. Henriques, O-280216 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) CA
Passenger  Captain Russell G. Helmer, O-393337 58th Air Service Group, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) PA
Passenger  Captain Fred J. Lewis, O-925168 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) CA
Passenger  Captain Paul V. McKnight, O-1576369 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) OH
Passenger  Captain Wendell Root, O-413266 58th Air Service Group, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) NY
Passenger  1st Lt Winton D. Witmer, O-567120 58th Air Service Group, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) Ripon, CA
Passenger  2nd Lt John C. Campbell, O-857274 58th Air Service Group, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) PA
Passenger  2nd Lt. Roland J. Hickey, O-2036113 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) TN
Passenger  WO(jg) Dawson L. Hutchison, W2114954 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) MS
Passenger  SSgt August J. Bachor, 32225289 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) NY
Passenger  Sgt William R. Ray, 13107567 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) PA
Passenger  Cpl Noel L. Lowe, 34608243 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) NC
Passenger  PFC Clyde H. Hopkins Jr., 34732682 5th AF Service Command, Headquarters (MIA / KIA) TN
MIA  July 8, 1944
MACR  6580

Aircraft History
Built by Boeing at Seattle. Constructors Number 2275. Delivered to the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) as B-17E Flying Fortress serial number 41-2464.

Wartime History
Assigned to the 7th Bombardment Group (7th BG), 9th Bombardment Squadron (9th BS). No known nickname or nose art. During January 1942, ferried overseas by piloted by Lt. Jack W. Bleasdale departing MacDill Field via the African route bound for the Netherlands East Indies (NEI). On January 21, 1942 took off piloted by Jack W. Bleasdale on a flight for Malang Airfield on Java.

On January 28, 1942 one of five B-17s that took off piloted by Lt. Jack W. Bleasdale on a bombing mission against Singapore.

On February 3, 1942 at 9:30am took off from Djogjakarta Airfield piloted by Lt. Jack W. Bleasdale as one of nine B-17s on a bombing mission against enemy shipping off Balikpapan. Flying in three plane elements at 30,000' the formation encountered bad weather and bombing results were unknown. Returning, the formation was intercepted by Japanese fighters. Aboard this bomber, Pfc Arthur T. Lowry had oxygen trouble and passed out and died. Another crew member who went to his aid also passed out. This bomber was unable to descend to a lower altitude without leaving the protection of the formation.

On February 28, 1942 one of three B-17s that took off from Madioen Airfield piloted by Evans with bombardier Sgt Reeves on a bombing mission against the Japanese eastern invasion force off Java. B-17E 41-2449 aborted the mission. The two remaining B-17s bombed from 28,000' and claimed one transport sunk and another damaged and returned to Madioen Airfield.

This B-17 was one of sixteen evacuated from Java to Darwin. Afterwards, assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF), 19th Bombardment Group (19th BG), 28th Bombardment Squadron (28th BS).

On April 25, 1942 took off piloted by Sergeant as the lead B-17 flying a bombing mission against Rabaul.

By August 1942 the lower Bendix remote turret was inoperable and was removed and was replaced by a board with a fake gun barrel sticking out.

On August 6, 1942 during the evening took off from Horn Island Airfield on an aborted bombing mission against Lae then returned to land at 7-Mile Drome near Port Moresby.

On August 7, 1942 took off from 7-Mile Drome piloted by Lt. Snyder on a bombing mission against Vunakanau Airfield near Rabaul.

Next, transferred to the 93rd Bombardment Squadron (93rd BS).

On November 4, 1942 assigned to the 43rd Bombardment Group (43rd BG), 64th Bombardment Squadron (64th BS). Nicknamed "Queenie" honor of pilot Lt Roger Kettleson’s wife with the nickname painted on the nose by Lucky Stevens.

On June 27, 1943 assigned to the 46th Service Group (46th SrG), likely for repairs. On July 3, 1943 returned to the 64th Bombardment Squadron (64th BS).

On July 13, 1943 took off from 7 Mile Drome on a bombing mission against Lae with B-17E 41-2408, B-17F 41-24355, B-17F 41-24548 and a single B-24. This was the last B-17 mission flown by the 64th Bombardment Squadron as they converted operate the B-24 Liberator.

On July 22, 1943 assigned to the 65th Bombardment Squadron (65th BS). On August 3, 1943 damaged during take off from 7 Mile Drome when a pilot accidentally retracted the landing gear instead of the flaps prematurely and the plane settled on the belly and damaged the engines.

Afterwards, repaired and assigned to the 6th Photographic Reconnaissance Group (6th PRG), 8th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (8th PRS). Later, this B-17 was assigned to the 5th Air Force Service Command (also known as 5th Air Service Command or 5 ASC).

When lost, engines R-1820-65 serial numbers 41-23395, 41-41642, 42-78659 and 42-77708. Armed with eight .50 caliber machine guns and a single .30 caliber machine gun. Armed with eight .50 caliber machine guns and a single .30 caliber machine gun. The makers and serial numbers were not listed in Missing Air Crew Report 6580 (MACR 6580).

Mission History
On July 8, 1944 took off from Nadzab Airfield No. 1 at 6:41am piloted by Lt. Col Walter P. Piehl on a course of 302° magnetic north bound for Tadji Airfield for a stopover then was to proceed onward to Mokmer Drome on Biak. Aboard were five crew plus fourteen passengers. This B-17 was last seen on take off by 1st Lt. Walter B. Hoffrichter.

The weather at Madang was reported as lower middle scattered clouds through valley base 2,000' low and middle broken base 2,000' with tops at 2,000' to 8,000'. In the vicinity of Hollandia it was broken low base of clouds at 2,000' with tops at 10,000' with rain showers with visibility valley of 5-10 miles.

When this bomber failed to arrive at Tadji Airfield. or Mokmer Drome it was officially listed as Missing In Action (MIA). The cause of the disappearance was unknown, but reported that it might be lost due to "possible enemy anti-aircraft fire or navigational circumstance". That same day, 5th Air Force bombers and fighters conducted a strike against Wewak and Dagua and encountered anti-aircraft fire. It was believed this B-17 might have changed course due to bad weather and may have flown over the same area.

On July 10, 1944 search and rescue were notified of the missing aircraft. For the next several days, Catalinas from Hollandia searched unsuccessfully along the north coast from the Ramu River to Noemfoor Island. Meanwhile, 5th Bomber Command rescue services unsuccessfully searched using B-24 Liberators and B-25 Mitchells. Also, ground parties from the New Guinea Force (NGF) and Air-Sea Rescue in the Ramu River and Sepik River were notified to be on the lookout but nil sightings were made.

The entire crew were officially declared dead on March 7, 1946. As the flight was deemed non-combat, none of the crew or passengers earned the Purple Heart, posthumously. All are memorialized at Manila American Cemetery on the tablets of the missing.

Attebery earned the Air Medal.

Lowe also has a memorial marker at Oakdale Cemetery on the "Lest We Forget" marker at Oakdale Cemetery, Hendersonville, NC.

Beal also has a memorial marker at Dixon Springs Cemetery in Dixon Springs, TN.

Barnes also has a memorial marker at Natchez City Cemetery in Natchez, MS.

Root also has a memorial marker at Addison Rural Cemetery in Addison, NY.

Witmer also has a memorial marker at Denair Cemetery in Denair, CA.

Leondus Hutchison (relative of Hutchison) adds:
"JB Hutchison, his farther (my granddad's brother) talked with a man in 1950s who was stationed with Daswon and he said that the B-17 used to ferry had a really bad history with its engines. And if they bailed out over the mountains or swamp then they was good as already dead. Doing research over the last two years, I have found archived documents pertaining to Japanese war crimes in New Guinea 1942-45. Just three months before 41-2464 went missing the Japanese captured a B-25 in the same area as noted MARC search area. All five U.S airmen were executed by the Japanese after being captured, a familiar but true account of many Army Air Force crews captured by the Japanese. What really happened to the crew and passengers of 41-2464? Engine failure? Japanese AA? Hit a mountain due to bad weather?"

Christine Juarez (granddaughter of Witmer)
"My grandfather, 1st Lt Winton D. Witmer, was with HQ 58th Air Service."

USAF Serial Number Search Results - B-17E Flying Fortress 41-2464

"2464 (43rd BG, 64th BS) lost Jul 8, 1944 between Nadzab PNG and Biak, Dutch New Guinea. 5 crew and 13 passengers lost. MACR 6580. No trace ever found."
Individual Deceased Personnel File (IDPF) - Winton D. Witmer
Missing Air Crew Report 6580 (MACR 6580) created July 11, 1944
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Walter P. Piehl
FindAGrave - LtCol Walter P Piehl (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Alan C. Attebery
FindAGrave - Capt Alan C Attebery (photos, tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Cortez A. Beal
FindAGrave - SSgt Cortez A Beal (tablets of the missing photo)
FindAGrave - SSgt Cortez A Beal (memorial marker photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Henry Y. Willis
FindAGrave - SSgt Henry Y Willis (obituary, tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Edgar W. Elseman
FindAGrave - TSgt Edgar W Elseman (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Robert H. Barnes
FindAGrave - Maj Robert H Barnes (tablets of the missing)
FindAGrave - Robert Henry Barnes (memorial marker photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Victor De F. Henriques
FindAGrave - Maj Victor De F Henriques (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Russell G. Helmer
FindAGrave - Capt Russell G Helmer (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Fred J. Lewis
FindAGrave - Capt Fred J Lewis (tablets of the missing)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Paul V. McKnight
FindAGrave - Capt Paul V McKnight (tablets of the missing)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Wendell J. Root
FindAGrave - Capt Wendell J Root (tablets of the missing)
FindAGrave - Wendell J Root (memorial marker)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Winton D. Witmer
FindAGrave - 1Lt Winton D Witmer (tablets of the missing photo)
FindAGrave - Lieut Winton D. Witmer (memorial marker photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - John C. Campbell
FindAGrave - 2Lt John C Campbell (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Roland J. Hickey
FindAGrave - 2Lt Roland J Hickey (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Dawson L. Hutchison
FindAGrave - WOJG Dawson L Hutchison, Jr (obituary, tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - August J. Bachor
FindAGrave - SSgt August J Bachor (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - William R. Ray
FindAGrave - Sgt William R Ray (tablets of the missing photo)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Noel L. Lowe
FindAGrave - Cpl Noel L Lowe (memorial marker)
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Clyde H. Hopkins Jr.
FindAGrave - PFC Clyde H Hopkins, Jr (tablets of the missing photo)
PNG Museum Aircraft Status Card - B-17E Flying Fortress 41-2464
They Fought With What They Had (1951) page 304
Fortress Against The Sun (2001) pages 112, 117, 120, 140, 143, 226-227, 357, 385 states 43rd BG / 64th BS, 409 footnote 26, 414 footnote 38, 428 footnote 62
Ken's Men Against The Empire Volume I (2016) pages 251, 252 (photo), 256 (photos), 326, 330, 340 (photo), 343, 401 (index Queenie)
Thanks to Steve Birdsall, Leondus Hutchison and Christine Juarez for additional information

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Last Updated
April 1, 2024


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