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February 7, 1945
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


ALASKA (Eleventh Air Force): Six B-24s off to Kataoka on Shimushu abort the mission when all aircraft accidentally drop bombs prior to the bombing run. Four B-25s weather abort.

China: Japanese occupy Kanchow a base used by the 14th Air Force.

CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): Eleven P-51s knock out a bridge at Hengshan; 34 P-40s hit river, road, and rail traffic from Kweiyi to Hengshan, from Chiuchiang to Wuhu, from Siaokan southward, in the area S of Tsinan, and N of Tehsien, and from Wan Mai-Lo, Burma to Luang Prabang. Two fighter-bombers hit the warehouse area at Kweihsien, China.

HQ AAF (Twentieth Air Force): 2 missions are flown. Mission 34: 67 B-29s are dispatched to hit Saigon; 44 bomb the primary target (11 drop prematurely and 33 hit a residential section), 19 hit Pnom Penh, a target of opportunity, and 2 bomb the last resort target, the marshalling yard at Martaban, Burma; they claim 0-0-1 Japanese aircraft; 1 B-29 is lost. Mission 35: 64 B-29s are dispatched to hit the Rama VI bridge at Bangkok, 58 bomb and effect the collapse of most of middle span of the bridge (this is the 3d strike at this target) and destroy the NE approach; 1 B-29 bombs the Martaban, Burma marshalling yard; no B-29s are lost.

INDIA-BURMA THEATER (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 11 B-25s attack tanks and troops at Man Namman; 50 P-47s support forces preparing to cross the Shweli River in the Myitson area; 40+ P-47s and P-40s attack troops and supply areas at Nawngkalio, Man Li, Hsunkwe, Nawnghkio, Loi Hkam, Panghsapye, Na-lang, Wingnang, and Pang Eng Hkye. 464 transport sorties are flown to advanced bases and frontline areas. In India, the 5th and 6th Fighter Squadrons (Commando), 1st Air Commando Group, move from Fenny and Asansol respectfully to Hay with P-47s; the detachment of the 127th Liaison Squadron (Commando), 2d Air Commando Group, operating from Cox's Bazar with UC-64s and L-5s returns to base at Kalaikunda; and the 317th Troop Carrier Squadron (Commando), 2d Air Commando Group, moves from Kalaikunda to Palel with C-47s.

AAFPOA (Seventh Air Force): Six B-24s from Saipan bomb the town of Okimura; Eight B-24s hit AA positions and radio and radar installations on Iwo Jima, while 2 others bomb the airfield in Woleai. From Angaur Airfield 20 B-24s bomb Silay Airfield and Talisay Airfield and one B-24 bombs Opon Airfield. 9 B-24s on snooper raids from Saipan duringthe night of 7/8 Feb, bomb Iwo Jima airfields.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA [SWPA, Far East Air Force (FEAF)]: On Formosa, B-24s, with P-38 support hit targets of opportunity at Heito Airfield and other points (after weather prevents the bombing of Takao) and B-25s, with P-51 cover, fly several sweeps, claiming a sub sunk, a tanker set afire, a large motor launch sunk, other shipping damaged, and several vehicles and an airplane destroyed. On Luzon , A-20s, supporting ground operations, attack the hills W of Clark Field. B-24s hit Bago and Mandaue on Negros. In Borneo, other B-24s bomb Tawau and-in another mission Miri Airfield, Tutong oil refinery pump station and power house. The 341st Fighter Squadron, 348th Fighter Group moves from Tanauan to San Marcelino with P-47s.

U.S. Army: In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 37th Div extends east to take responsibility for most of Manila north of the Pasig, thus releasing 5th and 8th Cav Regts, which are to clear E suburbs as far south as the Pasig River. Ordered to attack across the Pasig at once, 37th Div turns over part of its zone to a provisional organization, Special Security Force, and crosses 3d and 2d Bns of 148th Inf in assault boats. 185th Inf, on N flank of 40th Div, begins attack toward Snake Hill North in region W of Storm King Mountain. In I Corps area, battle for Munoz ends victoriously for 20th Inf, 6th Div. Japanese columns attempting to escape are virtually wiped out. In Lupao, enemy continues to hold out against 35th Inf, 25th Div. 2d Bn of 127th Inf, 32d Div, renews drive up Villa Verde Trail, which at this point winds about a bowl-shaped depression and is exposed to enemy fire from commanding terrain. In XI Corps area, 151st and 152d Regts of 38th Div are slowly and methodically reducing enemy strongpoints along Highway 7 on W; 149th Inf drives rapidly W to vicinity of Balsic.

In U.S. Eighth Army area, 11th A/B Div, with artillery and air support, begins drive towards Nichols Field. 511th Inf makes slight progress along Route 1 toward SW corner, but 188th Inf cannot reach its intended line of departure along Cut-Cut Creek.

U.S. Navy: Motor torpedo boats PT-373 and PT-356 enter Manila Bay for a night reconnaissance; these are the first U.S. Navy units to enter since the surrender of Corregidor in May 1942.

USS Thomason (DE-203) sinks Japanese submarine RO 55 off Iba, Luzon, 15°27'N, 119°25'E.

Submarine Bergall (SS-320), attacking Japanese convoy off east coast of French Indochina, sinks Coast Defense Vessel No.53 and damages merchant tanker Toho Maru near Cam Ranh Bay, 11°56'N, 109°18'E.

Submarine Guavina (SS-362), attacking a Japanese convoy, sinks merchant tanker Taigyo Maru 250 miles south of Saigon at Lat 06°45'N, Long 106°00'E.

Submarine Parche (SS-384) sinks Japanese army cargo ship Okinoyama Maru, 29°09'N, 129°45'E.

Submarine Ronquil (SS-396) damages Japanese army cargo ship Kuretake Maru, 31°46'N, 140°17'E.

Royal Navy: British submarine HMS Subtle sinks small Japanese cargo vessel Nanei Maru, 07°28'N, 94°56'E.

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