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Lt. Col Grattan "Grant" Mahony
U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) fighter pilot in Philippines, Java, CBI
Grattan Mahony was born 1918 in Bridal Veil, Oregon. Nicknamed "Grant". He enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF) in California and attended flight school class 40-A in January 1940. Trained as a pursuit pilot, he earned his wings and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant with serial number O-388626. During 1941, sent overseas to the Philippines, and assigned to the 24th Pursuit Group (24th PG), 3rd Pursuit Squadron (3rd PS) at Nichols Field and served as operations officer. Later, promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.
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Defense of the Philippines
On December 8, 1941 at the start of the Pacific War he took off from Nichols Field piloting a P-40E Warhawk and claimed his first aerial victory over Luzon.

On December 10, 1941 took off from Nichols Field piloting a P-40E Warhawk on a mission over Vigan and spotted Japanese ships offshore including transports and warships. Returning with this intelligence, he was fired on by friendly anti-aircraft fire from a machine gun position manned by Filipinos, damaging his plane he was forcing to bail out, and he landed unhurt and made his report at 5:13am. Later that same day, Mahony took off at 12:35pm from Nichols Field as one of seven P-40E flying patrols over Manila. While climbing, at roughly 2,000' intercepted by A6M2 Zeros. In total, Mahony flew two sorties that day for a total of five hours flight time.

On December 11, 1941 Mahony flew a reconnaissance mission, returning to Nielson Field at 7:25am and reported Japanese ships to the southwest of Luzon and off the west coast of Mindoro.

On December 12, 1941 Mahony escorted by Hanson flew in a P-40E dive bombing and strafing the Legaspi-Manila railroad terminus, to slow the Japanese advance towards Manila.

On December 14, 1941, Mahony took off from Nichols Field on a mission to Mindanao, returning via Legaspi, he strafed a radio tower and was fired on by anti-aircraft fire from Legaspi Airfield, diving to strafed aircraft parked there, he was chased by Zeros as he strafed, and followed him away from the target around Mount Mayon and then managed to escape and return to base.

Defense of Java
Next, he was sent to Ngoro Airfield on eastern Java and continued flying combat missions assigned to the 17th Provisional Squadron (17th PRV SQ) and was promoted to the rank of Captain. On February 18, 1942 he claimed his second victory. On February 19, 1942 he claimed his third aerial victory. On February 22, 1942 he claimed his fourth aerial victory. During February 1942 Mahony was interviewed by war correspondent George Weller.

China-Burma-India (CBI)
During 1943, evacuated to India and served in China Burma India (CBI). Major Mahony was assigned to the 23d Fighter Group (23rd FG), 76th Fighter Squadron (76th FS) as a P-40 Warhawk pilot.

On May 20, 1943 Mahony took off on a recon of the Canton area but encountered bad weather.

On May 21, 1943 four P-40 led by Mahony patrolled Lingling and the Changsha areas for enemy planes reported in the area but made no contact.

On May 23, 1943 in the afternoon nine P-40K Warhawks took off from Ling Ling Airfield (Lingling) led by Mahony on a strafing mission over Ichang. Over the target, Mahony claimed a Type 97 shot down and two planes strafed on the ground. The other pilots strafed trucks and gas tanks in the area.

On May 31, 1943 twelve P-40s led by Mahony took off on a mission to strafe the Ichang area with six flying top cover and six strafing. Over the target was bad weather and the two flights lost each other with five P-40 force lanidng near Sha-shi on a sandbank in the Yangze River.

On June 2, 1943 took off leading a strafing element of three P-40s with six flying top cover bound for Itu. Over the target, intercepted by enemy fighters.

On June 5, 1943 Mahony led four P-40s to Kingmen in the Tangyang area but were unable to strafe without top cover.

On June 6, 1943 Mahony led five P-40s on a strafing mission to Tangyang.

Afterwards, assigned to the 1st Air Commando Group (1st Air Commandos). Mahony commanded the group's P-51A Mustang fighter section with Robert L. Petit serving as his deputy and began flying combat missions in China-Burma-India (CBI).

After ten months in Burma, during June 1944 returned to the United States for a stateside assignment until he volunteered for a third tour of duty in November 1944.

Return to the Philippines
Assigned to the 5th Air Force (5th AF) as the deputy C. O. of the 8th Fighter Group (8th FG), Headquarters Squadron (HQ) and flew combat missions in the Philippines.

Killed In Action
On January 3, 1945 took off from San Jose Airfield on Mindoro piloting P-38L Lightning 44-25217 on a mission to escort A-20s over Puerta Princessa. Over the target, he spotted a Japanese seaplane near shore and told his formation to continue escorting the A-20s while he dove down to strafe and claimed the seaplane as destroyed but he was hit by heavy anti-aircraft fire in the wing, caught fire and was observed to crash into the nearby jungle.

Aerial Victory Claims
Mahony was officially credited with four aerial victories by the U.S. Army Air Force (USAAF). On December 8, 1941 over Luzon he claimed his first aerial victory. On February 18, 1942 over Java claimed his second aerial victory. One February 19, 1942 over Java claimed his third aerial victory. On February 22, 1942 claimed his fourth aerial victory. In China Burma India (CBI), he made several aerial victory claims but they were not officially credited. On May 23, 1943 he claimed a plane shot down. On April 17, 1944 he claimed a plane shot down while serving with the 1st Air Commando Group.

Victory Date Location Aircraft Notes on claim
1 12/08/41 Luzon A6M Zero First aerial victory claim. 3rd Pursuit Squadron.
2 02/18/42 Java   Second aerial victory claim. 17th Provisional Squadron.
3 02/19/42 Java   Third aerial victory claim. 17th Provisional Squadron.
4 02/22/42 Java   Fourth aerial victory claim. 17th Provisional Squadron.
  05/23/43 CBI   Fifth aerial victory claim
  04/17/44 CBI   Sixth aerial victory claim Air Commando Group, not officially credited by USAAF/USAF

Mahony earned the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters and Purple Heart, posthumously. At the time of his death, according to his 201 File, "Mahony had flown more combat hours than any other pursuit pilot in the AAF."

Tod Mahony (grandson of Grant Mahony)
"Grant died when my father, Dan Grant Mahony, was only six months old."

Megan Mahony (granddaughter of Mahony)
"My name is Megan Mahony and I am Grant's granddaughter. My brother is Tod Mahony. I have moved into my late father's house (Dan Grant Mahony, Grant's son) and have found some of Grant's items. I am trying to gather information about my grandfather."

Patrick S. Mahony (cousin of Grant Mahony)
"My name is Patrick S. Mahony and Grant Mahony was my first cousin. His uncle Patrick S. Mahony Sr. was my father. He was a ship captain for Standard Oil of New Jersey and was killed July 7, 1942 when torpedoed off Key West, Florida. I was 2 yrs old at the time. I would like to know if Dan Mahony, my second cousin, is alive and I would like to get in touch with Tod Mahony."

Marilyn Hall Jacobson (goddaughter of Mahony)
"I’m Marilyn Hall Jacobson, the daughter of Fred Lee Hall and Dorothy Fenenga Hall, formerly of Vallejo, California. My parents were good friends of Grattin Mahony, Vallejo’s first ace pilot during WWII. Mahony was my godfather. I may still have a locket given to me by Grattin."

Dave O’Keeffe (relative of Mahony)
"My grandmother, Johanna O’Brien O’Keeffe, was a sister of Grattan Mahoney’s grandmother. Hannah lived in Santa Cruz and died in 1934. When Grattan (Grant) returned to Vallejo CA in I believe 1943, Vallejo had a large parade followed by a reception at his parents home. I was 11-12 and met Grant and saw all the medals he had been awarded. If I recall, he was a Lt. Colonel at the time. There is a park in Vallejo named after him."

Seeking Relatives & Additional Information
Do you have additional information on Mahony?

Some references incorrectly spell his surname "Mahoney" [sic, Mahony]. Other sources state he was credited with five aerial victories.
U.S. Army 201 File - Grattan "Grant" Mahony
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) - Grant Mahony
FindAGrave - LtCol Grant Mahony (photos)
USAF Historical Study No. 85 USAF Credits For The Destruction of Enemy Aircraft, World War II Alphabetical: Mahony, Grant page 120 (PDF page 127)
Air Force Magazine "Vloar: Crusade in the Pacific" by John L. Frisbee, Vol. 68, No. 10 October 1985
Doomed From The Start American Pursuit Pilots in the Philippines 1941-1942 (1995) by William Bartsch pages 34 (photo), 136-137, 145, 150-151, 153, 154, 159, 165, 167, 442 (note 5), 443 (note 1), 453 (note 11), 454 (note 12)
Attack and Conquer (1995) by John Stanaway and Lawrence J. Hickey page 136
"Appendix V : Unit Losses: January 3, 1945: Col. Grant Mahoney [sic] (HQ). P-38. He tagged along on a strafing mission to Puerta Princesa on Palawan, P.I. Lieutenant George Lynch (35th Sq) offered to yield the lead and go along as wingman. Col. Mahoney [sic] saw a floatplane in the harbor near the airfield and, even though Lynch warned him that the thing was probably a dummy zeroed in by anti-aircraft, decided to attack. On the way down Lynch could see the flashes of guns on the ground, and silenced some of them with strafing fire, but not before Mahoney [sic] was hit and went straight into the ground. Mahoney [sic] was a hero of the China-Burma-India theater and Lynch's impression of the brief time that he knew the Colonel was that he was a fine officer."
Every Day A Nightmare American Pursuit Pilots in the Defense of Java, 1941-1942 (2010) by William Bartsch pages 22, 35, 49-50, 109, 119-111, 145, 150-151, 156, 164, 178, 180, 209-210, 211-212, 214, 218, 220, 240, 243, 251, 258, 262, 269-270, 273-275 274 (photo), 247-248, 251, 266, 270, 340, 344, 351 (Table 5: Philippine pursuit pilots sent to Australia), 354 (Table 9: 3rd PS (Provisional), 388-389, 376 (footnote 1), 416 (footnote 1), 484 (index Mahony, Grant)
Thanks to Tod Mahony, William Bartsch, Edward Rogers and Richard Dunn additional information

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