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January 14, 1945
Today in World War II Pacific History
Day by day chronology


CHINA THEATER (Fourteenth Air Force): In China, 27 B-24s, supported by 45 P-51s and P-40s, pound Hankow; 8 enemy aircraft are claimed destroyed; 7 B-25s hit targets at and W of Kengtung; 42 P-47s, P-40s, and P-51s attack Wuchang Airfield and Hankow Airfield; 17 Japanese aircraft are claimed destroyed; 21 P-40s and P-51s hit targets of opportunity in the Wanting area; 5 P-51s blast trucks and buildings at Shanhsien; 8 others attack shipping on the Yangtze River near Anking. P-51s sink Japanese army cargo ship Akatsuki Maru in the Yangtze between Wuhu and Kiukiang, 29°00'N, 116°00'E.

Burma: In Br Fourteenth Army's 33 Corps area, Ind 19th Div secures bridgehead across the Irrawaddy at Thabaikkyin, evoking speedy and violent reaction from Japanese. The enemy mistakes the div for 4 Corps as hoped and, to avert threat to Mandalay, rushes reserves forward thus weakening other sectors. For the next month, Ind 19th Div withstands repeated and determined counterattacks.

HQ AAF (Twentieth Air Force): Mission 28: 82 B-29s from Chengtu are dispatched to bomb Kagi Airfield; 55 hit the primary target while 1 bombs Heito; 22 others hit alternates and targets of opportunity at several points, among them Taichu Airfield, Formosa and Hengyang, China; no B-29s are lost.

INDIA-BURMA THEATER (Tenth Air Force): In Burma, 12 B-25s hit troops, stores area, and knock out 3 bridges near Nampawng and Hay-ti; 26 fighter-bombers support ground forces at Si-U and at Mabein; 60+ fighter-bombers pound supply areas, troop concentrations, and general targets of opportunity at or near Hsenwi, Se-u, Kongnyaung, Kutkai, Mongmit, Manai, and Kawnghka. Transports fly 487 sorties to forward areas.

AAFPOA (Seventh Air Force): 22 B-24s from Saipan and 21 from Guam bomb Moen Airfield; 9 P-38s escort the Saipan B-24s. 12 B-24s from Guam pound an airfield on Iwo Jima ; 2 B-24s from the Mariana fly snooper strikes against Iwo Jima airfields during the night of 14/15 Jan.

HQ AAF (Twentieth Air Force): Mission 19: 73 B-29s from the Mariana are dispatched to bomb the Mitsubishi aircraft plant at Nagoya; 40 hit the primary target and 23 hit alternates and targets of opportunity; they claim 16-7-26 Japanese aircraft; 5 B-29s are lost.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA: B-25s pound Aparri Airfield while supporting P-51s destroy several parked aircraft; A-20s bomb Clark Field destroying numerous parked aircraft, while B-24s hit troop concentrations at Cabanatuan; B-24s, B-25s, A-20s, and fighter-bombers over wide areas of Luzon hit tanks, trucks, and other vehicles near Norzagaray, Masbate, Tartaro, Bulac, Banglos, and San Felipe; bomb a bridge N of Bocaue; hit airfields at Tuguegarao and Batangas, Malabang on Mindanao, and Silay on Negros; bomb the Cotabato supply area on Mindanao; and attack numerous other targets. B-25s bomb the Goeroea area in the Moluccas. The 408th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 22d Bombardment Group (Heavy), moves from Angaur Airfield to Guiuan Airfield with B-24s. Lost are BT-13B Valiant 42-89612 (MIA) and B-24J "Lady Jane" 42-100271 (MIA).

U.S. Army: On Luzon, In U.S. Sixth Army's XIV Corps area, 40th Div's Rcn Tr reaches Alaminos; 160th Inf drives south along Route 13 from Aguilar to Mangatarem. Pushing south across the Agno River, 129th Inf of 37th Div takes Bautista; 37th Div Rcn Tr finds Camiling undefended. In I Corps area, 6th Div continues holding action and patrols actively. In 43d Div zone, 158th Inf attacks toward Rosario but meets such heavy fire in defile near Amlang that it pulls back approximately to its starting line; 63d Inf seizes Hill 363. After taking Hill 351, which has been bypassed, and mopping up on Hill 580, 172d Inf secures Hills 585 and 565 and pushes on toward Hill 665; upon spotting enemy moving down Route 3, is ordered to attack on 15th for junction of Routes 3 and 11. 169th Inf mops up on Hill 318; prepares to attack Hill 355. 103d Inf establishes outpost about 1½ miles SE of Pozorrubio.

On Leyte Eighth Army's XXIV Corps area, 96th Div relieves 11th A/B Div of tactical responsibility on Leyte and sends 2 bns to Samar Island to relieve 8th Cav, 1st Cav Div, of garrison duty at Catbalogan. Night 14-15, 7th Div sends TF, composed of 3d Bn of 184th Inf, 776th Tank Bn, and elements of 718th and 536th Amtrac Bns, on amphibious mission to secure Camotes Island.

USN: USS Cobia (SS-245) sinks Japanese minelayer Yurijima off east coast of Malaya, 05°45'N, 103°13'E.

PT-73 damaged by grounding off Lubang Island at roughly 13°50'N, 120°10'E, is beached and abandoned.

Army freight supply vessel FS 41 breaks loose from her moorings at Amchitka in heavy weather, and demolishes 300 feet of an Army dock; fleet tug Sarsi (ATF-111) is sent from Adak to go to the ship's assistance.

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